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The Maintenance Minute
March 2011, Vol. 4, Issue 20 PTC Global Maintenance Support

PTC's Best Releases Yet

This issue of the Maintenance Minute is packed with information on PTC's newest and most compelling releases including: Creo Elements/Pro, Windchill 10.0, Creo Elements/View 10.0, Arbortext 6.0, Mathcad Prime and Relex 2011! Also available is our annual list of support improvements and enhancements for 2010. Enjoy!

* The timing of any product release or maintenance entitlements, including any features or functionality, is subject to change at PTC's discretion.

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Latest and Greatest in PTC Software

2010 Maintenance Support Improvements

Another year has passed and we're proud to share with you the improvements and enhancements that were implemented in 2010 to enrich your support experience! Use this to help you in your budget approval process for 2011.FY10_Improvements

We're working hard to deliver the highest level of support possible and ensure that your Maintenance investment is returned as immediate benefits to you.

View the Maintenance Support Annual Improvements List for 2010

Register Now and Save!

June 12-15, 2011
Where: Caeser's Palace, Las Vegas, Nevada
Why: PlanetPTC Live succeeds and builds upon the PTC/USER World Event, offering a robust user-driven, user-focused program crafted specifically to help PTC users be more effective personally and to drive more value to their organizations.
See highlights from last year's event!

Register Now and Save!



Gold Loyalty Discount Program
Save 20% on select HP Z Workstations, optimized for Creo Elements products. Limited time offer expires March 31, 2011. Visit the Gold Loyalty Discount Program page to see all offers from partners. 



Tips & Tricks from our Technical Experts

Top 3 Tips for Creo Elements/Pro Users

Creo Elements/Direct Drafting 17.0 (formerly CoCreate): Adding special characters to a classical font

Relex 2011: Fixing a Flex Initialization Failure Error (-5)

Relex 2011: Fixing Flex Initialization Error Codes (-96) or (-51)

Improved Knowledge Capturing and Sharing

As you've heard by now, PTC is revolutionizing the MCAD industry with Creo. But that's not all, we're taking it a step further and revolutionizing PTC Technical Support to give you even more comprehensive technical content online faster.

upgraded customer support web accountIn Spring 2011, PTC's new state-of-the-art Technical Support and CRM system will automatically capture and publish solutions as they are being logged and validated.

This new process will essentially double the amount of knowledge captured and shared in less than 6 months' time!

Make sure you have an upgraded customer support web account so you can take advantage of these significant enhancements to online support.

Learn more about PTC's plans to improve knowledge capturing and sharing.


Boost Skill and Speed with Product Webcasts

Maintenance Support customers have exclusive access to live and recorded Tech Tips webcasts hosted by PTC technical experts. Here's a quick preview or view the full schedule of upcoming webcasts.

Mar 15, 2011
Mar 16, 2011
Mar 22, 2011
Mar 24, 2011
Mar 22, 2011
Introduction to Creo Elements/Pro Mechanica Simulation Capabilities
Everyday Pro/INTRALINK 3.x User Tips
Medical Device Best Practices for FDA and ISO Compliance
Interactive Surface Design Extension
Finishing Toolpath in Creo Elements/Pro Manufacturing

Windchill 10.0: Powerful New Capabilities for Managing, Validating Product Configurations

With an investment of $100 million, Windchill 10.0 (coming soon) will be the most significant Windchill release in PTC's history. Major features include:

  • Windchill_10Dramatically improved user experience
  • Expanded BOM Capabilities
  • Expanded Change and Configuration Management
  • Enterprise Top-Down Design
  • Improved Serviceability
  • New/Rebranded Modules: Interference Detection, Integral Compliance, Embedded Software Management

Learn more about Windchill 10.0.

Did you know?

Creo Elements/View 10.0
(coming soon) is a major new release with both additional core capabilities and exciting new optional modules that deliver real business value:
  • Integrated ECAD Visualization: Supporting electrical printed circuit boards, schematics and associated meta data
  • Integral ECAD & MCAD Visual Collaboration: Enables unique functions such as cross probing between ECAD/MCAD abstractions.
  • New Animator Module: Create compelling keyframe-based animations to study and present product function and assembly/disassembly animation
  • Accurately Detect Interferences and Clearance Violations:: Identify and examine interferences in a highly interactive tool
  • More Assembly Construction Tools: New capabilities allow assemblies to be manipulated in additional ways

what's new
Arbortext 6.0: Robust Support, Highly Configurable Layouts and New Publishing Rule!

Arbortext 6.0, scheduled for release this quarter, offers significant updates and enhancements. Here's a peek at what's new:

Arbortext Editor 6.0:
  • Access to new document types for Learning and Training
  • Usability improvements to the Resource Manager
Arbortext Styler 6.0:
  • Significant enhancements for better looking multi-lingual documents
  • Highly configurable layouts driven by reusable content, region and page type definitions



Intuitive and Powerful: Spend More Time Engineering and Less Time Documenting

Watch a short demo of Mathcad Prime 1.0 to learn more:

short demo
LearningConnector for Mathcad Prime 


The award winning LearningConnector is now available for Mathcad Prime! The LearningConnector automatically provides dynamic, context-sensitive access to Mathcad Prime eLearning and Technical Support content directly from within the Mathcad Help Center. 

The LearningConnector software is already pre-installed in the Mathcad online help system. Simply access the PTC LearningConnector through the Mathcad Help Center.

Additional Resources Easy Access to Web Tools
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    Try adding us ( to your Address Book.
  • Want more relevant information (products, language, etc.)?
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Information from PTC  140 Kendrick St. Needham, MA 02494 USA    Copyright © 2010 All Rights Reserved PTC and Pronordic AB