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PTC World is an annual series of business and technology conferences for the PTC Community in Europe and Asia. PTC World is open to industry professionals who want to succeed by meeting their globalization, time-to-market, and operational efficiency objectives in product development.
“PTC World Conferences are great opportunities for customers, partners and prospects to see how PTC solutions help organizations meet their strategic goals” said Rob Gremley, EVP, Corporate Marketing, PTC.

“Some of the world’s most successful organizations spoke of their relationship with PTC, further securing PTC’s place as a leading provider of product development solutions.”
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Pro/ENGINEER® Agenda

Representing the largest single product family, the Pro/ENGINEER agenda will offer several concurrent presentation rooms and Precision Learning classrooms throughout the entire World Event.

The schedule is timed so that, in most cases, you can choose from any session in any product family. Each product family agenda is comprised of a comprehesive selection of expert presentations from our members, product update briefings and roadmaps, product development sessions, learning center sessions, panel discussions, and PTC University Precision Learning courses.

Hands-On Workshop

10:00 AM
10:45 AM

Pro/ENGINEER Hands-on Workshop
Tom McNaney, PTC

Try out the newest capabilities in Pro/ENGINEER! This workshop will let you experience the most exciting enhancements in the latest releases of Pro/ENGINEER, including Solid Modeling, Detailing, Weld and Plastic Parts Modeling, Electromechanical Design, Digital Human Modeling, Simulation, NC & Tooling and much more. All with the assistance of PTC's highly skilled application engineers and a self-driven tutorial.

PTC University Precision Learning

10:00 AM
12:00 PM

Advanced Assembly Concepts with Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0
Seth Tucker, PTC

Come to this two-hour seminar to discover how you can quickly assemble components by creating and using saved and temporary Component Interfaces with the assembly dashboard tool. You will also learn about the various options for quickly replacing components with the new Replace Unrelated Component functionality and Interchange assemblies.

PTC University Precision Learning

10:00 AM
12:00 PM

Creating 3D Drawings Using Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0
Romeo Ridel, PTC

This two-hour seminar focuses on using annotation features to create 3D drawings in Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire. Among the topics covered are creating and editing different types of annotation features, including dimensions and notes. You'll also learn various techniques for managing annotations in Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire, including manipulation of annotation display and use of combined view states.

PTC University Precision Learning

10:00 AM
12:00 PM

Mechanism Design Using Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0
Ethan Bowerman, PTC

This two-hour seminar will teach you the basic process for designing mechanisms within Pro/ENGINEER. In addition, you'll learn the how-to's of assembling components using predefined mechanism connection sets, dragging a mechanism through its motion, and driving its motion using a servo motor. The session also covers evaluating the mechanism's motion and checking for collisions.

Hands-On Workshop

11:00 AM
11:45 AM

Pro/ENGINEER Hands-on Workshop
Tom McNaney, PTC

Try out the newest capabilities in Pro/ENGINEER! This workshop will let you experience the most exciting enhancements in the latest releases of Pro/ENGINEER, including Solid Modeling, Detailing, Weld and Plastic Parts Modeling, Electromechanical Design, Digital Human Modeling, Simulation, NC & Tooling and much more. All with the assistance of PTC's highly skilled application engineers and a self-driven tutorial.

Hands-On Workshop

12:00 PM
12:45 PM

Pro/ENGINEER Hands-on Workshop
Tom McNaney, PTC

Try out the newest capabilities in Pro/ENGINEER! This workshop will let you experience the most exciting enhancements in the latest releases of Pro/ENGINEER, including Solid Modeling, Detailing, Weld and Plastic Parts Modeling, Electromechanical Design, Digital Human Modeling, Simulation, NC & Tooling and much more. All with the assistance of PTC's highly skilled application engineers and a self-driven tutorial.

Hands-On Workshop

1:00 PM
1:45 PM

Pro/ENGINEER Hands-on Workshop
Tom McNaney, PTC

Try out the newest capabilities in Pro/ENGINEER! This workshop will let you experience the most exciting enhancements in the latest releases of Pro/ENGINEER, including Solid Modeling, Detailing, Weld and Plastic Parts Modeling, Electromechanical Design, Digital Human Modeling, Simulation, NC & Tooling and much more. All with the assistance of PTC's highly skilled application engineers and a self-driven tutorial.

PTC University Precision Learning

1:00 PM
3:00 PM

Advanced Assembly Concepts with Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0
Seth Tucker, PTC

Come to this two-hour seminar to discover how you can quickly assemble components by creating and using saved and temporary Component Interfaces with the assembly dashboard tool. You will also learn about the various options for quickly replacing components with the new Replace Unrelated Component functionality and Interchange assemblies.

PTC University Precision Learning

1:00 PM
3:00 PM

Creating 3D Drawings Using Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0
Romeo Ridel, PTC

This two-hour seminar focuses on using annotation features to create 3D drawings in Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire. Among the topics covered are creating and editing different types of annotation features, including dimensions and notes. You'll also learn various techniques for managing annotations in Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire, including manipulation of annotation display and use of combined view states.

Hands-On Workshop

2:00 PM
2:45 PM

Pro/ENGINEER Hands-on Workshop
Tom McNaney, PTC

Try out the newest capabilities in Pro/ENGINEER! This workshop will let you experience the most exciting enhancements in the latest releases of Pro/ENGINEER, including Solid Modeling, Detailing, Weld and Plastic Parts Modeling, Electromechanical Design, Digital Human Modeling, Simulation, NC & Tooling and much more. All with the assistance of PTC's highly skilled application engineers and a self-driven tutorial.

Hands-On Workshop

3:00 PM
3:45 PM

Pro/ENGINEER Hands-on Workshop
Tom McNaney, PTC

Try out the newest capabilities in Pro/ENGINEER! This workshop will let you experience the most exciting enhancements in the latest releases of Pro/ENGINEER, including Solid Modeling, Detailing, Weld and Plastic Parts Modeling, Electromechanical Design, Digital Human Modeling, Simulation, NC & Tooling and much more. All with the assistance of PTC's highly skilled application engineers and a self-driven tutorial.

PTC University Precision Learning

4:00 PM
6:00 PM

Advanced Assembly Concepts with Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0
Seth Tucker, PTC

Come to this two-hour seminar to discover how you can quickly assemble components by creating and using saved and temporary Component Interfaces with the assembly dashboard tool. You will also learn about the various options for quickly replacing components with the new Replace Unrelated Component functionality and Interchange assemblies.

PTC University Precision Learning

4:00 PM
6:00 PM

Creating 3D Drawings Using Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0
Romeo Ridel, PTC

This two-hour seminar focuses on using annotation features to create 3D drawings in Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire. Among the topics covered are creating and editing different types of annotation features, including dimensions and notes. You'll also learn various techniques for managing annotations in Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire, including manipulation of annotation display and use of combined view states.

PTC University Precision Learning

4:00 PM
6:00 PM

Mechanism Design Using Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0
Ethan Bowerman, PTC

This two-hour seminar will teach you the basic process for designing mechanisms within Pro/ENGINEER. In addition, you'll learn the how-to's of assembling components using predefined mechanism connection sets, dragging a mechanism through its motion, and driving its motion using a servo motor. The session also covers evaluating the mechanism's motion and checking for collisions.

Experts: Case Study

10:15 AM
11:00 AM

Automated Affordability Analysis for Pro/ENGINEER
Zachary Jasnoff, PRICE Systems, LLC

For affordability targets to remain effective across all program phases, cost must be treated as a design parameter. In this demonstration of PRICE Systems tools, you will see how Pro/ENGINEER data can be passed directly and seamlessly to the TruePlanning model for cost evaluation, and results returned directly to your workstation for CAIV evaluation.

Experts: Tips & Tricks

10:15 AM
11:00 AM

Tips & Tricks for Modifying Imported Models and Data
Michael Webber, Raytheon Missile Systems

This presentation will open up new possibilities for dealing with imported models. You'll find out how to modify STEP and IGES files using the Feature Operation mode. You'll also learn how to use the Paste Special feature in part mode to translate quilts or imported data in a linear motion or rotated 360 degrees.

Partner Presentation

10:15 AM
11:00 AM

Increase Product Success through Effective Requirements Engineering
John Carrillo, IBM Rational, and Matthew Stone, Stoneworks Software Corporation

Regardless of the product you deliver, complexity has increased in your development process. Embedded software and attention to regulatory controls in every industry has introduced a wider range of requirements that must be managed across all product development domains to ensure what gets built is not only what is defined �but compliant. IBM Rational and Stoneworks Software Corporation will discuss improvements in the way systems engineers collaborate on requirements with designer engineers using Windchill PLM software from Parametric Technology Corporation (PTC) - ultimately cutting costs, increasing product quality, and ensuring compliance.

Product Roadmap

10:15 AM
11:00 AM

Pro/ENGINEER Roadmap
Michael Campbell, PTC

Join this session to learn about the Pro/ENGINEER Roadmap. We'll discuss what's new in the most recent maintenance releases of Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0, the highlights of Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 5.0, and share a glimpse at our longer term plans for Pro/ENGINEER.

PTC University Precision Learning

10:15 AM
12:15 PM

Advanced Assembly Concepts with Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0
Seth Tucker, PTC

Come to this two-hour seminar to discover how you can quickly assemble components by creating and using saved and temporary Component Interfaces with the assembly dashboard tool. You will also learn about the various options for quickly replacing components with the new Replace Unrelated Component functionality and Interchange assemblies.

PTC University Precision Learning

10:15 AM
12:15 PM

Creating 3D Drawings Using Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0
Romeo Ridel, PTC

This two-hour seminar focuses on using annotation features to create 3D drawings in Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire. Among the topics covered are creating and editing different types of annotation features, including dimensions and notes. You'll also learn various techniques for managing annotations in Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire, including manipulation of annotation display and use of combined view states.

Experts: Case Study

11:15 AM
12:00 PM

An Integrated Approach to Electromechanical Piping and Cabling Design Using RSD and Pro/ENGINEER
Brian Gilhooley and Radek Kaczorowski, Virtual Interconnect Ltd

Piping and cabling design and routing is a time-consuming process usually performed using separate software packages. Come to this demonstration to see how taking an integrated approach to cabling and piping design using RSD and Pro/ENGINEER can dramatically reduce time, cost, and errors–and practically automate the process.

Experts: Case Study

11:15 AM
12:00 PM

Integrating Pro/ENGINEER with Shop Floor Processes to Automate Just-in-Time Manufacturing
Feliks Veysman, MGS Manufacturing Group

Come to this presentation to see how Pro/TOOLKIT applications can be used to provide seamless data flow between design and manufacturing. This session takes a close look at how a custom CNC and EDM part manufacturer was able to automate just-in-time production by integrating Pro/ENGINEER 3D models with shop-floor CMM, CNC, and robotics equipment.

Hands-On Workshop

11:15 AM
12:00 PM

Pro/ENGINEER Hands-on Workshop
Tom McNaney, PTC

Try out the newest capabilities in Pro/ENGINEER! This workshop will let you experience the most exciting enhancements in the latest releases of Pro/ENGINEER, including Solid Modeling, Detailing, Weld and Plastic Parts Modeling, Electromechanical Design, Digital Human Modeling, Simulation, NC & Tooling and much more. All with the assistance of PTC's highly skilled application engineers and a self-driven tutorial.

Learning Center


Best Practices for Sharing Product Data with Partners
Mike Kasameyer, PTC

Optimizing the way data is shared with your design and manufacturing partners is critical to success. In this session, we will examine some of these common collaboration scenarios and discuss how PTC's solutions can be applied to effectively share product information and facilitate collaboration between team members whether they are internal or external, co-located or globally distributed.

Product Update Briefing

11:15 AM
12:00 PM

Pro/ENGINEER Core Design
John Buchowski and Brian Thompson, PTC

The most recent Pro/ENGINEER releases are filled with hundreds of enhancements, impacting all users. This product update briefing will cover Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0 and 5.0 enhancements to sketcher, features, and sheetmetal capabilities.

Special Topic

11:15 AM
12:00 PM

Using Pro/ENGINEER Data for Technical Illustrations
Dieter Weidenbrueck, PTC

Reuse of existing 3D CAD models for technical illustration purposes results in enormous time savings. This session will demonstrate the integration between Pro/ENGINEER and Arbortext IsoDraw, and the process of creating associative technical illustrations from CAD models for further usage within the Dynamic Publishing System.

Hands-On Workshop

12:30 PM
1:15 PM

Pro/ENGINEER Hands-on Workshop
Tom McNaney, PTC

Try out the newest capabilities in Pro/ENGINEER! This workshop will let you experience the most exciting enhancements in the latest releases of Pro/ENGINEER, including Solid Modeling, Detailing, Weld and Plastic Parts Modeling, Electromechanical Design, Digital Human Modeling, Simulation, NC & Tooling and much more. All with the assistance of PTC's highly skilled application engineers and a self-driven tutorial.

Experts: Case Study

1:30 PM
2:15 PM

Driving a Pro/ENGINEER "Configurator" with Excel and Mathcad
Ben Lindamood, AAR Mobility Systems

In this presentation, you'll learn about a mapkey technique that allows you to use Mathcad to drive design and placement of components in Pro/ENGINEER assemblies, using information from Excel. The discussion details the logic behind each step in creating this "configurator" and demonstrates some of its everyday uses.

Experts: Case Study

1:30 PM
2:15 PM

New Top-Down Design Functionality for Mechanism Design Extension and Mechanism Dynamics Option
Chuck Pitzer, Pitzer Consulting

The new motion skeleton functionality in MDO/MDX makes it much easier to debug your mechanism while streamlining interference checks and conceptual modeling. This presentation will illustrate these benefits by describing the design of a pneumatic lifting arm for a robot using MDO to determine existing performance and Behavioral Modeling Extension (BMX) to improve that performance.

Hands-On Workshop

1:30 PM
2:15 PM

Pro/ENGINEER Hands-on Workshop
Tom McNaney, PTC

Try out the newest capabilities in Pro/ENGINEER! This workshop will let you experience the most exciting enhancements in the latest releases of Pro/ENGINEER, including Solid Modeling, Detailing, Weld and Plastic Parts Modeling, Electromechanical Design, Digital Human Modeling, Simulation, NC & Tooling and much more. All with the assistance of PTC's highly skilled application engineers and a self-driven tutorial.

Learning Center


Product Information Delivery: Overview and Demonstration
Cindy Elliott, PTC

Come explore the power of product information delivery and its influence on revenue and aftermarket operations within discrete manufacturing organizations. We will examine the business benefits of associating original product design data to technical documentation and illustrations throughout a product's lifecycle by using PTC's integrated product information delivery system. This session will provide an in-depth demonstration of the integrated, end-to-end Arbortext product information delivery software in conjunction with Pro/ENGINEER and Windchill.

Partner Presentation

1:30 PM
2:15 PM

DKI Consulting


Product Update Briefing

1:30 PM
2:15 PM

Pro/ENGINEER Electromechanical System Design
Jim Barrett-Smith, PTC

Join this session to learn all about the latest enhancements in the electromechanical design tools in Pro/ENGINEER. This update will include information on improvements to Pro/ENGINEER piping and cabling solutions, as well as Pro/ENGINEER Routed Systems Designer and the new Pro/ENGINEER ECAD-MCAD collaboration capabilities.

PTC University Precision Learning

1:30 PM
3:30 PM

Advanced Assembly Concepts with Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0
Seth Tucker, PTC

Come to this two-hour seminar to discover how you can quickly assemble components by creating and using saved and temporary Component Interfaces with the assembly dashboard tool. You will also learn about the various options for quickly replacing components with the new Replace Unrelated Component functionality and Interchange assemblies.

PTC University Precision Learning

1:30 PM
3:30 PM

Creating 3D Drawings Using Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0
Romeo Ridel, PTC

This two-hour seminar focuses on using annotation features to create 3D drawings in Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire. Among the topics covered are creating and editing different types of annotation features, including dimensions and notes. You'll also learn various techniques for managing annotations in Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire, including manipulation of annotation display and use of combined view states.

PTC University Precision Learning

1:30 PM
3:30 PM

Mechanism Design Using Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0
Ethan Bowerman, PTC

This two-hour seminar will teach you the basic process for designing mechanisms within Pro/ENGINEER. In addition, you'll learn the how-to's of assembling components using predefined mechanism connection sets, dragging a mechanism through its motion, and driving its motion using a servo motor. The session also covers evaluating the mechanism's motion and checking for collisions.

Ask the Experts Panel

2:25 PM
3:10 PM

How It’s Made: Cutting-Edge Manufacturing Technologies
Scott Miller, Integrated Product Development Group

Get an introduction to over twenty different manufacturing technologies that can be leveraged via Pro/ENGINEER. Participate in a live “Match Game” where you can attempt to pair sample parts with their corresponding fabrication processes. Learn how PTC manufacturing software supports accurate and consistent part fabrication with tolerances less than 1/100th the thickness of a human hair. Explore new additive technologies that enable creation of parts that were previously unmanufacturable with traditional methods.

Experts: Case Study

2:25 PM
3:10 PM

Mechanism Dynamics: Anyone Can Design a Link, But How About a Linkage?
Andrew Weiman and Seth GaleWyrick, Bresslergroup

The inclusion of motion in Pro/ENGINEER provides a useful tool for uncovering and resolving conflicts within systems early in the design process. The real power, however, comes when you incorporate mass, forces, and other kinetic elements. Learn how you can apply the Mechanism Dynamics Option to design, analyze, and optimize linkages in a variety of product development situations.

Experts: Tips & Tricks

2:25 PM
3:10 PM

Routing RSD and Pro/CABLE Harnesses on the Ninja 600rr Made Simple
Bart Brejcha, Design Engine Inc.

Want to see a wiring harness created from scratch? Starting with a Ninja motorcycle model–complete with lights, electronic controls, and command modules–this presentation will demonstrate how to build a wiring diagram, make preparations in RSD and the Pro/ENGINEER assembly, route the wires, solve any issues, and complete the harness–all within the time allotted.

Hands-On Workshop

2:25 PM
3:10 PM

Pro/ENGINEER Hands-on Workshop
Tom McNaney, PTC

Try out the newest capabilities in Pro/ENGINEER! This workshop will let you experience the most exciting enhancements in the latest releases of Pro/ENGINEER, including Solid Modeling, Detailing, Weld and Plastic Parts Modeling, Electromechanical Design, Digital Human Modeling, Simulation, NC & Tooling and much more. All with the assistance of PTC's highly skilled application engineers and a self-driven tutorial.

Partner Presentation

2:25 PM
3:10 PM

Transforming Innovation and Collaboration at Dell
Kurtis Bowman, Dell

In both a challenging macroeconomic and market environment, it is essential to derive maximum value from your human assets. This presentation will offer perspectives, challenges and directions for product design and innovation at Dell utilizing PTC solutions, and share a case study in how to use collaboration to free more bandwidth for higher value activities.

Product Update Briefing

2:25 PM
3:10 PM

Pro/ENGINEER Simulation and Analysis
John Buchowski, PTC

Join this session to learn all about the latest enhancements in the analysis and simulation of Pro/ENGINEER. This update will include information on improvements to Structural, Thermal and Motion simulation, as well as Behavioral Modeling.

Partner Presentation

3:30 PM
4:00 PM

Advanced Simulation and Verification Techniques for Multi-Axis Machining
Todd Readel, CGTech

Regardless of the industry, most leading companies utilizing CNC machinery seek out the latest in digital manufacturing technology to improve their NC machining processes. This session will introduce attendees to some of the more advanced simulation/verification techniques for multi-axis operations. Attendees will also see how they can simulate multiple setups in a single session and even automatically create inspection documents.

Partner Presentation

3:30 PM
4:00 PM

Cost Free Web-Based Productivity Tools for Engineers
Bruce Bergwall, GlobalSpec

This presentation will be an explanation of how the latest social media, vertical search engine and world’s largest on-line database for products, assemblies and components can be incorporated into an engineers day-to-day workflow to save you time and money. This is neither a sales nor a marketing presentation.

Partner Presentation

3:30 PM
4:00 PM

Factory and Process Plant Layout and Visualization with Pro/ENGINEER® Models
Bill Wilkins, CAD Schroer

Pro/ENGINEER customer Atlas Copco uses MPDS4 FACTORY LAYOUT to quickly model factories and customer installations by including and positioning models, routing piping, steelwork, ducting, cabling, HVAC and intelligent connectable equipment. See how they benefit from real-time fly-through inspection, consistency checking, collision detection, and rapid plant layout drawing generation. CAD Schroer's MPDS4 FACTORY LAYOUT solution provides the fastest way from large industrial layouts to 3D visualizations – using your existing CAD data.

Partner Presentation

3:30 PM
4:00 PM

Mechatronics: Improving Productivity, Reducing Cost and Eliminating Physical Prototype Iterations
Hemant Shah and Linda Mazzitelli, Cadence Design Systems

Electronics proliferation in many non-traditional products has created a need for a closer collaboration between the design of a printed circuit board and the enclosures it is mounted in. Even in traditional electronics products, the need to miniaturize along with the shrinking design cycle times have made collaboration between the two disciplines a must for any company to stay competitive. This paper will talk about the issues with collaboration between ECAD and MCAD design processes as well as how this collaboration can be improved to shorten design iterations and cycle times, as well as reduce unnecessary physical prototype iterations.

Partner Presentation

3:30 PM
4:00 PM

Reinvent Your Workflow for Creating Content from 3D Data
Thomas Teger, Bunkspeed

Cost-cutting is at the top of every manufacturer’s agenda, small or large. See how clients around the world are using Bunkspeed's creative tools to cut cost in design, engineering and marketing. Learn how to efficiently utilize your Pro/ENGINEER data high quality imagery to sell your idea in the most convincing way ever, reduce your dependencies on physical prototypes, and say "bye, bye" to photo shoots.

Partner Presentation

3:30 PM
4:00 PM

Zebco Reels in the Benefits of Printing True-to-Life Prototypes
Brad Reprecht, Zebco, and Neil Ranney, Objet Geometries

Zebco manufactures America’s most popular fishing tackle and has been known as the industry’s innovation leader for more than 50 years. Although rapid prototyping has always been an integral part of their product design lifecycle, they sought technology that could deliver a more reliable, higher-quality prototype that resembles the finished product to support their R&D efforts. Learn how Zebco uses Objet’s 3D printer in their design process to save time and money and has expanded dramatically their design and engineering capabilities.

Partner Presentation

3:30 PM
4:00 PM

Driving Organizational Change and Windchill Acceptance Through a Run Team
Neeraj Singh, ITC Infotech

A run team is a scalable, structured multifunctional ITIL-based support organization that has three tiers: one to educate and support the user community in their ability to adopt the application; another to provide the required administrative support to stabilize the application; and a third to tune the existing business processes. The goal is to manage the organizational change fallout from the introduction of a new application and in particular, the core process enablers.

PTC University Precision Learning

4:00 PM
6:00 PM

Advanced Assembly Concepts with Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0
Seth Tucker, PTC

Come to this two-hour seminar to discover how you can quickly assemble components by creating and using saved and temporary Component Interfaces with the assembly dashboard tool. You will also learn about the various options for quickly replacing components with the new Replace Unrelated Component functionality and Interchange assemblies.

PTC University Precision Learning

4:00 PM
6:00 PM

Creating 3D Drawings Using Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0
Romeo Ridel, PTC

This two-hour seminar focuses on using annotation features to create 3D drawings in Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire. Among the topics covered are creating and editing different types of annotation features, including dimensions and notes. You'll also learn various techniques for managing annotations in Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire, including manipulation of annotation display and use of combined view states.

PTC University Precision Learning

4:00 PM
6:00 PM

Mechanism Design Using Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0
Ethan Bowerman, PTC

This two-hour seminar will teach you the basic process for designing mechanisms within Pro/ENGINEER. In addition, you'll learn the how-to's of assembling components using predefined mechanism connection sets, dragging a mechanism through its motion, and driving its motion using a servo motor. The session also covers evaluating the mechanism's motion and checking for collisions.

Experts: Case Study

4:20 PM
5:05 PM

Implementing Routed Systems Designer for Hydraulic Schematic Designs
Jim Ellis and Rick Frantz, JLG Industries, Inc.

While RSD is a great tool for schematic design, it's challenging to get off the ground. This session will detail how the various pieces of RDS function and how they all fit together. You'll also see how JLG Industries uses specific parts of the software to create and control 2D hydraulic schematic designs, from setting up templates to revision control.

Experts: Case Study

4:20 PM
5:05 PM

Optimization of Dynamic Performance with Pro/ENGINEER, Pro/MECHANICA, BMX, and Mathcad
Chamera Miroslaw, ARIADNE Engineering AB

This session details the optimization of a next-generation cutting tool used for removing bark from a tree trunk. This case study demonstrates the value of integrating PTC's advanced analysis tools–Pro/MECHANICA for strength assessment, MDO for verifying dynamic performance, BMX for optimizing structural and dynamic performance, and Mathcad for result evaluation–into the product development process.

Hands-On Workshop

4:20 PM
5:05 PM

Pro/ENGINEER Hands-on Workshop
Tom McNaney, PTC

Try out the newest capabilities in Pro/ENGINEER! This workshop will let you experience the most exciting enhancements in the latest releases of Pro/ENGINEER, including Solid Modeling, Detailing, Weld and Plastic Parts Modeling, Electromechanical Design, Digital Human Modeling, Simulation, NC & Tooling and much more. All with the assistance of PTC's highly skilled application engineers and a self-driven tutorial.

Partner Presentation

4:20 PM
5:05 PM

Thirty Minutes on Managing Data: What to Fix and How to Fix It
Bill Lough, EAC Product Development Solutions

Learn about five major problems that plague product development groups. These problems stem from lack of communication, security, search functionality, or clearly defined development processes. Also, explore the tools available to development groups, and the proper selection criteria required for selecting a data management and collaboration solution. Attendees will receive a coupon for a free Product Development Process Assessment (PDPA) performed by EAC, and an informative packet designed to help decision makers "Get the Process Right".

Product Update Briefing

4:20 PM
5:05 PM

Pro/ENGINEER Assembly and Tolerance Analysis
Raphael Nascimento and Vincent Pihlstrom, PTC

Join this session to learn all about the latest enhancements in both Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0 and 5.0 related to assembly modeling, performance and top-down design. This update will also include information on improvements to Pro/ENGINEER's new Tolerance Analysis Extension.

Experts: Case Study

5:15 PM
6:00 PM

How to Make Money in 45 Minutes
Scott Miller, Integrated Product Development Group, Inc.

Ready to learn what it takes to make the big bucks? A company’s most valuable employees are those who understand the entire product development process, from idea generation to product delivery. Using several PTC products and engineers spanning the globe, this presentation will take you through the full process in real time in less than 45 minutes. A randomly chosen volunteer will receive a customized product designed, developed, and delivered according to his or her specifications.

Experts: Tutorial

5:15 PM
6:00 PM

Combining Pro/ENGINEER, Pro/MECHANICA, and Mathcad to Solve Real World Problems
Stephen Seymour, Seymour Engineering and Consulting Group, LLC

Come to this session to learn how you can transform Pro/ENGINEER into a modern-day engineering tool for designers and engineers alike. The presentation will walk through the mechanics and methods of putting together a Pro/ENGINEER model with the Pro/MECHANICA and Mathcad analysis features, and then demonstrate how the combined capabilities can quickly solve a complex engineering problem.

Hands-On Workshop

5:15 PM
6:00 PM

Pro/ENGINEER Hands-on Workshop
Tom McNaney, PTC

Try out the newest capabilities in Pro/ENGINEER! This workshop will let you experience the most exciting enhancements in the latest releases of Pro/ENGINEER, including Solid Modeling, Detailing, Weld and Plastic Parts Modeling, Electromechanical Design, Digital Human Modeling, Simulation, NC & Tooling and much more. All with the assistance of PTC's highly skilled application engineers and a self-driven tutorial.

Product Update Briefing

5:15 PM
6:00 PM

Pro/ENGINEER 2D and 3D Drawings
Raphael Nascimento, PTC

Learn about the latest improvements in both Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0 and 5.0 to the tools for creating 2D and 3D drawings from the Pro/ENGINEER Detailing Product Manager.

Product Update Briefing

5:15 PM
6:00 PM

Pro/ENGINEER Industrial Design
Paul Sagar, PTC

Join this session to learn all about the latest enhancements in the surfacing and styling tools in Pro/ENGINEER. This update will include information on improvements to ISDX, as well as Pro/ENGINEER rendering and reverse engineering capabilities.

Special Topic

5:15 PM
6:00 PM

ECAD/MCAD Collaboration in Action
Jim Barrett-Smith, PTC

Join this session for an amazing demonstration of electro-mechanical co-design, showcasing new capabilities in Pro/ENGINEER which allow for much more efficient collaboration with ECAD software, resulting in better products, faster!

Special Topic

7:45 AM
8:20 am

FIRST Informational Meeting
Robin Saitz, PTC

Learn how you can get involved with FIRST and help inspire a new generation of scientists and engineers! During our sessions, you'll meet with some of the teams appearing in the Exhibit Hall demonstrations.

Experts: Tips & Tricks

9:45 AM
10:30 AM

Automating Pro/ENGINEER–No Skills Required
Olaf Corten, Fico

While you can use sophisticated programming tools like Pro/TOOLKIT and J-Link, there are easier options for automating Pro/ENGINEER. In this session, you'll get tips on creating mapkeys and building your own trail files. You'll also learn how to go a step further by using Pro/BATCH or free third-party tools like ProTrail and sBatch.

Experts: Tips & Tricks

9:45 AM
10:30 AM

Exporting Great Images from Pro/ENGINEER
Robbie Halvorson, Boston Scientific

Want to improve the quality of the images you generate in Pro/ENGINEER? Attend this presentation for tips on color, lighting, resolution, file formats, and more. With this information, you can make every Pro/ENGINEER image you export–whether screen snaps or photorenders–not only look better but also work better with downstream applications.

Experts: Tutorial

9:45 AM
10:30 AM

Utilizing Drawings and Tables to Plan, Assign and Manage Mass Property Relationships
John Durkin, Raytheon Missile Systems

In mass properties management, relationships are established that are vital to the aerodynamics of flight performance. Behavioral Modeler can be used to test different materials and quickly determine if the weight and CG requirements can be achieved. But mass property reports are not "living" or parametric. This presentation demonstrates how drawings and tables can remedy this by showing and reporting moments of inertia (MOI) in individual parts, sub-systems, and layouts.

Hands-On Workshop

9:45 AM
10:30 AM

Pro/ENGINEER Hands-on Workshop
Tom McNaney, PTC

Try out the newest capabilities in Pro/ENGINEER! This workshop will let you experience the most exciting enhancements in the latest releases of Pro/ENGINEER, including Solid Modeling, Detailing, Weld and Plastic Parts Modeling, Electromechanical Design, Digital Human Modeling, Simulation, NC & Tooling and much more. All with the assistance of PTC's highly skilled application engineers and a self-driven tutorial.

Partner Presentation

9:45 AM
10:30 AM

Transforming Innovation and Collaboration at Dell
Kurtis Bowman, Dell

In both a challenging macroeconomic and market environment, it is essential to derive maximum value from your human assets. This presentation will offer perspectives, challenges and directions for product design and innovation at Dell utilizing PTC solutions, and share a case study in how to use collaboration to free more bandwidth for higher value activities.

Product Update Briefing

9:45 AM
10:30 AM

Pro/ENGINEER Data Exchange
Asa Trainer, PTC

Join this session to learn about the latest advances in Data Exchange, including the new, free, direct interfaces to tools like SolidWorks and Autodesk Inventor. Also learn about how Pro/ENGINEER's new Rights Management solution can be used to protect the valuable intellectual property in your designs.

PTC University Precision Learning

9:45 AM
11:45 AM

Advanced Assembly Concepts with Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0
Seth Tucker, PTC

Come to this two-hour seminar to discover how you can quickly assemble components by creating and using saved and temporary Component Interfaces with the assembly dashboard tool. You will also learn about the various options for quickly replacing components with the new Replace Unrelated Component functionality and Interchange assemblies.

PTC University Precision Learning

9:45 AM
11:45 AM

Creating 3D Drawings Using Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0
Romeo Ridel, PTC

This two-hour seminar focuses on using annotation features to create 3D drawings in Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire. Among the topics covered are creating and editing different types of annotation features, including dimensions and notes. You'll also learn various techniques for managing annotations in Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire, including manipulation of annotation display and use of combined view states.

PTC University Precision Learning

9:45 AM
11:45 AM

Mechanism Design Using Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0
Ethan Bowerman, PTC

This two-hour seminar will teach you the basic process for designing mechanisms within Pro/ENGINEER. In addition, you'll learn the how-to's of assembling components using predefined mechanism connection sets, dragging a mechanism through its motion, and driving its motion using a servo motor. The session also covers evaluating the mechanism's motion and checking for collisions.

Experts: Tips & Tricks

10:45 AM
11:30 AM

Aesthetic Engineering: The Power of Pro/ENGINEER for Industrial Design
John Jacobsen, SMART DESIGN

Pro/ENGINEER is well known for its mechanical design and engineering capabilities, but it also offers incredible tools that are perfectly suited to the 3D challenges of industrial design. In this live demonstration, you'll discover the power of Style (ISDX), Warp optimized with Behavioral Modeling, curvature connections with Variable Section Sweep, paradigm-defying Independent Geometry, and more.

Experts: Tutorial

10:45 AM
11:30 AM

Everyone Has Skeletons, But You Want Them in Your Assemblies
William Cockrell, Raytheon

Skeletons provide great flexibility during the design phase and even greater power when used in layouts. This tutorial will demonstrate how to create a skeleton, declare it to a layout, and then assemble sub-assemblies and components to it. You'll also see how skeletons can be reused in other assemblies to leverage their features.

Experts: Tutorial

10:45 AM
11:30 AM

Learn the Basics of the Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0 Import DataDoctor
Elton Chu, Designcraft, Inc

In this overview you will learn how to use the main functions of the recently redesigned Import DataDoctor module and become familiar with its new interface, tools, and commands. By the end of the presentation, you will be able to use the Import DataDoctor to quickly fix problems that prevent your models from solidifying.

Hands-On Workshop

10:45 AM
11:30 AM

Pro/ENGINEER Hands-on Workshop
Tom McNaney, PTC

Try out the newest capabilities in Pro/ENGINEER! This workshop will let you experience the most exciting enhancements in the latest releases of Pro/ENGINEER, including Solid Modeling, Detailing, Weld and Plastic Parts Modeling, Electromechanical Design, Digital Human Modeling, Simulation, NC & Tooling and much more. All with the assistance of PTC's highly skilled application engineers and a self-driven tutorial.

Partner Presentation

10:45 AM
11:30 AM

DKI Consulting


Special Topic

10:45 AM
11:30 AM

Latest Pro/ENGINEER Releases: Show Me the Value!
Michael Campbell, PTC

Come learn about the real, business value of adopting the latest releases, and what PTC is doing to help you understand and sell that value within your organization. Topics will include measuring the impact on your daily work of new capabilities and increasing product quality.

Hands-On Workshop

11:45 AM
12:30 PM

Pro/ENGINEER Hands-on Workshop
Tom McNaney, PTC

Try out the newest capabilities in Pro/ENGINEER! This workshop will let you experience the most exciting enhancements in the latest releases of Pro/ENGINEER, including Solid Modeling, Detailing, Weld and Plastic Parts Modeling, Electromechanical Design, Digital Human Modeling, Simulation, NC & Tooling and much more. All with the assistance of PTC's highly skilled application engineers and a self-driven tutorial.

PTC University Precision Learning

12:45 PM
2:45 PM

Advanced Assembly Concepts with Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0
Seth Tucker, PTC

Come to this two-hour seminar to discover how you can quickly assemble components by creating and using saved and temporary Component Interfaces with the assembly dashboard tool. You will also learn about the various options for quickly replacing components with the new Replace Unrelated Component functionality and Interchange assemblies.

PTC University Precision Learning

12:45 PM
2:45 PM

Creating 3D Drawings Using Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0
Romeo Ridel, PTC

This two-hour seminar focuses on using annotation features to create 3D drawings in Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire. Among the topics covered are creating and editing different types of annotation features, including dimensions and notes. You'll also learn various techniques for managing annotations in Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire, including manipulation of annotation display and use of combined view states.

Experts: Case Study

12:50 PM
1:35 PM

Adding a Dimension to 2D Image Recognition with Pro/ENGINEER
Michael Schmidt, UK Center for Visualization, and Bill Gregory, University of Kentucky

Until now, cost-efficient image recognition engines have been limited to 2D items such as scanned images. But with Pro/ENGINEER, 3D parts can be converted to a series of 2D images, enabling 2D engines to recognize 3D objects. This session demonstrates a virtual imaging process that lets you create all conceivable views of a 3D part, which can then be easily distinguished using software and a basic camera.

Experts: Case Study

12:50 PM
1:35 PM

Top-Down Design of Structural Steel Weldments Using Pro/Web.Link Tools
Ken Melax, Foremost Industries

This presentation details a top-down design process for large weldments of plate and structural steel using Pro/ENGINEER with Advanced Assembly, PDMLink for data management, and several Pro/Web.Link tools. The approach readily dovetails with setting up idealizations in Pro/Mechanica for quick-solving analyses. The result? Significant time-savings for the designer and a complete, robust model that can be dramatically modified for future projects.

Experts: Tutorial

12:50 PM
1:35 PM

An Introduction to Finite Element Analysis with Pro/MECHANICA
Stephen Seymour, Seymour Engineering and Consulting Group, LLC

This presentation is intended to demystify Pro/MECHANICA by walking through the setup of a basic finite element analysis. Along the way, you'll be introduced to such topics as materials, elements, mesh, loads, constraints, convergence, and reviewing results. Emphasis is on tips for avoiding the most common pitfalls and problems that beginners encounter.

Hands-On Workshop

12:50 PM
1:35 PM

Pro/ENGINEER Hands-on Workshop
Tom McNaney, PTC

Try out the newest capabilities in Pro/ENGINEER! This workshop will let you experience the most exciting enhancements in the latest releases of Pro/ENGINEER, including Solid Modeling, Detailing, Weld and Plastic Parts Modeling, Electromechanical Design, Digital Human Modeling, Simulation, NC & Tooling and much more. All with the assistance of PTC's highly skilled application engineers and a self-driven tutorial.

Partner Presentation

12:50 PM
1:35 PM

Reduce IT Costs and Optimize Performance
Ron Burns, AdvizeX Technologies

Come see this case study on accurate sizing of your future bladed data center via a consolidation impact assessment. Now more than ever, cost reduction is paramount and one of the best ways to reduce cost is through data center consolidation. With HP’s Workstation Blades and Blade servers, PDM organizations are able to combine the infrastructures of the engineering group and the rest of the data center. We will review an example scenario of a customer consolidating rack mount servers to a virtualized / bladed server and blade workstation data center and then share the associated cost benefit analysis.

Special Topic

12:50 PM
1:35 PM

How Small and Mid-Sized Businesses Use PLM to Outmaneuver the Competition
Cory Huey, EAC Product Development Solutions

Small and mid-sized businesses have a distinct advantage over the Fortune 500 in this challenging economy. They are more nimble and capable of implementing process and systems changes that drive real efficiency. Through a real-world success story, we will examine how Industrial Scientific Corporation embraced PLM to drive out costs, increase collaboration, and improve their ability to react quickly to change. Learn about their pain points, strategies, and the ROI metrics they put in place.

Experts: Tips & Tricks

1:45 PM
2:30 PM

The Power of Pro/TOOLKIT for Improving the Design Process
Inge Pedersen, ABB Power Technologies AB

This presentation demonstrates how ABB Transformers has used Pro/TOOLKIT to help transform a generic CAD system like Pro/ENGINEER into a tailor-made, smart design tool that boosts efficiency and productivity. You'll see how Pro/TOOLKIT has enabled customizations that range from eliminating small repetitive commands to developing complete design applications.

Experts: Tips & Tricks

1:45 PM
2:30 PM

Use Family Tabled UDFs to Speed Design and Reduce Drafting Effort
David Haigh, Lawrence Livermore National Lab

Do you know that you can use family tabled user defined features to standardize common features, including tolerances? In this session you'll learn how to create a family table of a UDF, what can and can't be added to the table, and what you need to add to the config-pro to access a UDF library.

Experts: Tutorial

1:45 PM
2:30 PM

Raytheon's BID-to-WID Process Using RSD and the Central Catalog
Aron Oler and Maurice Mastrapasqua, Raytheon

Come see how Raytheon uses Routed Systems Designer to create a block interconnection diagram (BID), run a report to create a wiring interconnection diagram, and then export an XML file to Pro/CABLE. Using Derived Properties, the connectors are associative and respond to both their parents and direct connections. Raytheon has also set up the central catalog so that it can be replicated across multiple sites.

Hands-On Workshop

1:45 PM
2:30 PM

Pro/ENGINEER Hands-on Workshop
Tom McNaney, PTC

Try out the newest capabilities in Pro/ENGINEER! This workshop will let you experience the most exciting enhancements in the latest releases of Pro/ENGINEER, including Solid Modeling, Detailing, Weld and Plastic Parts Modeling, Electromechanical Design, Digital Human Modeling, Simulation, NC & Tooling and much more. All with the assistance of PTC's highly skilled application engineers and a self-driven tutorial.

Partner Presentation

1:45 PM
2:30 PM

Increase Product Success through Effective Requirements Engineering
John Carillo, IBM Rational, and Matthew Stone, Stoneworks Software Corporation

Regardless of the product you deliver, complexity has increased in your development process. Embedded software and attention to regulatory controls in every industry has introduced a wider range of requirements that must be managed across all product development domains to ensure what gets built is not only what is defined �but compliant. IBM Rational and Stoneworks Software Corporation will discuss improvements in the way systems engineers collaborate on requirements with designer engineers using Windchill PLM software from Parametric Technology Corporation (PTC) - ultimately cutting costs, increasing product quality, and ensuring compliance.

Partner Presentation

3:00 PM
3:30 PM

Find, Reuse and Control Standard and Commercial Parts
Tim Thomas and Doug Korneffel, PARTsolutions

SMS Demag Inc. uses PARTsolutions, integrated with Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire and Pro/INTRALINK, to find, reuse, and control their standard and commercial 3D parts. SMS Demag is a global developer, designer and builder of metallurgical plants and rolling mill technology for the steel and aluminum industries. These huge-scale projects include many design teams in different locations, and an enormous amount of standard parts. You will see how PARTsolutions is seamlessly embedded within Pro/ENGINEER.

Partner Presentation

3:00 PM
3:30 PM

Improve Your Productivity with NCSIMUL
Philippe Legoupi, SPRING Technologies, and Joe Decarlo, 3HTI

NCSIMUL is a complete machining simulation software for debugging, optimizing and running machining programs for numerical control machines. NCSIMUL’s problem-solving capability significantly boosts the cost-effectiveness of the NC environment, including programming, tooling selection, clamping methods and the time devoted to the NC process by all the people involved.

Partner Presentation

3:00 PM
3:30 PM

Intuitive Shape Search: An Integrated Approach for Design Reuse
Saminathan Mathialagan, Sconce Solutions

Research has uncovered the need for 3D geometric shape search capability, a sophisticated technology that can help companies achieve their lean engineering initiatives. The capabilities of Windchill PDMLink, ProductPoint and Pro/ENGINEER can be extended using shape technology for enhancing part reuse. Attend our presentation and visit us in booth #622 to see how the integrated environment of "Bingo!", the premier product from Sconce Solutions, solves your challenges and provides a seamless environment to improve your performance.

Partner Presentation

3:00 PM
3:30 PM

OPTIS: Optimizing Light Effects and Visual Appearance with SPEOS
Peter Moorhouse, OPTIS

Learn how to model, analyse and optimize lighting systems and product appearance directly within Pro/ENGINEER®. OPTIS' unique physics-based approach supports collaborative decision-making on rendering colors, textures, surfaces, light sources and lighting effects. OPTIS ensures faithful rendering by accounting for human vision and how a product will be perceived.

PTC University Precision Learning

3:30 PM
5:30 PM

Creating 3D Drawings Using Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0
Romeo Ridel, PTC

This two-hour seminar focuses on using annotation features to create 3D drawings in Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire. Among the topics covered are creating and editing different types of annotation features, including dimensions and notes. You'll also learn various techniques for managing annotations in Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire, including manipulation of annotation display and use of combined view states.

PTC University Precision Learning

3:30 PM
5:30 PM

Mechanism Design Using Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0
Ethan Bowerman, PTC

This two-hour seminar will teach you the basic process for designing mechanisms within Pro/ENGINEER. In addition, you'll learn the how-to's of assembling components using predefined mechanism connection sets, dragging a mechanism through its motion, and driving its motion using a servo motor. The session also covers evaluating the mechanism's motion and checking for collisions.

Experts: Tutorial

3:50 PM
4:35 PM

An Administrator's Perspective on Central Catalogs for RSD Designs and Pro/DIAGRAM Imports
Cassandra Kemp, CeDeL Solutions

Routed Systems Designer 7.0 and 8.0 introduced two new functions: centralized catalogs (libraries) and the ability to migrate legacy data from Pro/DIAGRAM. While powerful, the catalog creation and management function involves some complexities. Attend this presentation to learn about the behavior and scope of the central catalog, plus a proven technique for dealing with Pro/DIAGRAM data.

Experts: Tutorial

3:50 PM
4:35 PM

Break the 2D Dependency with Model-Based Definition
Chris McKee, COM-DEV Ltd.

Learn different steps you can take to start moving your engineering philosophy towards the new age of model-based definition. Gain an understanding of some of the benefits of implementing the use of ANSI/ASME Y14.41-2003 digital product definition data practices. See how Pro/ENGINEER, Windchill and ProductView combined with other tools help you to implement a model-based environment.

Hands-On Workshop

3:50 PM
4:35 PM

Pro/ENGINEER Hands-on Workshop
Tom McNaney, PTC

Try out the newest capabilities in Pro/ENGINEER! This workshop will let you experience the most exciting enhancements in the latest releases of Pro/ENGINEER, including Solid Modeling, Detailing, Weld and Plastic Parts Modeling, Electromechanical Design, Digital Human Modeling, Simulation, NC & Tooling and much more. All with the assistance of PTC's highly skilled application engineers and a self-driven tutorial.

Partner Presentation

3:50 PM
4:35 PM

The Role of Statistical Tolerancing in the Product Development Process
Glenn Horner, Covidien, and Dan Lange, Sigmetrix

With the implementation of Design For Six Sigma initiatives, Covidien has integrated the Sigmetrix CETOL 6 Sigma software for precise assembly variation and tolerance optimization. This presentation will show how CETOL influences important design decisions during the conceptual design phase. Actual examples will illustrate how statistically predicting the design quality enables Covidien to validate design feasibility and continually optimize designs throughout the product life cycle. The end result: confidently achieving manufacturing quality targets.

Tips and Tricks

3:50 PM
4:35 PM

Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0 Tips and Tricks
Roberto Sanchez, NxRev

Back by popular demand, come learn several simple tips and little-known tricks in Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0 to make you super productive and the envy of your colleagues!

Experts: Case Study

4:45 PM
5:30 PM

ISDX Case Study: Modeling a T-38 Aircraft from Photos
Casey Stahl, Designcraft

The design challenge: Create small, injection-molded model planes to be stick mounted and used as flight instruction aides. But the sweeping lines of a modern fighter jet are quite organic and difficult to model. This session describes how Designcraft was able to accomplish this task by using the ISDX module with photographic references.

Experts: Tutorial

4:45 PM
5:30 PM

Cable Assembly Configurations: Same Part, Different Route
Frank Johansen, Raytheon

There are many scenarios where you may need to use the same cable part, but in different routed configurations. This presentation will demonstrate how to successfully create multiple configurations of harness parts and assemblies using the family table options within Pro/CABLE, along with other advanced cable design techniques.

Experts: Tutorial

4:45 PM
5:30 PM

Creating J-Slots in a Round Housing
Michael Heath, Schlumberger

If you've ever used Toroidal Bends to create the round housing for J-slots, you know that the geometry of the slots doesn't match the design intent. In this presentation, you'll discover a new way of creating J-slots that will provide manufacturing precisely what's needed to create the CNC programs directly from your models.

Hands-On Workshop

4:45 PM
5:30 PM

Pro/ENGINEER Hands-on Workshop
Tom McNaney, PTC

Try out the newest capabilities in Pro/ENGINEER! This workshop will let you experience the most exciting enhancements in the latest releases of Pro/ENGINEER, including Solid Modeling, Detailing, Weld and Plastic Parts Modeling, Electromechanical Design, Digital Human Modeling, Simulation, NC & Tooling and much more. All with the assistance of PTC's highly skilled application engineers and a self-driven tutorial.

Learning Center


Best Practices for Sharing Product Data with Partners
Mike Kasameyer, PTC

Optimizing the way data is shared with your design and manufacturing partners is critical to success. In this session, we will examine some of these common collaboration scenarios and discuss how PTC's solutions can be applied to effectively share product information and facilitate collaboration between team members whether they are internal or external, co-located or globally distributed.

Partner Presentation

4:45 PM
5:30 PM

Automating Pro/ENGINEER with a Pro/TOOLKIT Focus
Ross Jessen, Fishbowl Solutions

It is more important than ever to be able to do more with less. Fishbowl Solutions will explain how three companies leveraged Fishbowl's Pro/TOOLKIT expertise to improve efficiencies by automating manual tasks and extending Pro/ENGINEER functionality. Fishbowl's rapid deployment of standard products and custom applications provided these companies a quick ROI.

Product Update Briefing

4:45 PM
5:30 PM

Pro/ENGINEER Manikin
Mark Morrissey, PTC

This session will demonstrate how Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0 can help all designers to adopt a "human-centric" approach to design, thereby designing better parts, products and processes for the global marketplace. In addition, this session will introduce simple steps to facilitate conformance to health, safety and usability standards and regulations in the design process.

Experts: Case Study

9:30 AM
10:15 AM

Advanced Model-centric, Top-Down Design: The J-2X Ares Rocket Engine
Eric Krieg, Corey W. Ballantoni and William Bowling Jr., Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne

Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne employed new model-centric processes during the preliminary and detail design phases of the J-2X upper stage engine, which powers the Ares vehicle of the Constellation Space Program. This session is your chance to hear about the implementation and coordination challenges met along the way, and the valuable guidance this experience offers for the next new effort.

Experts: Case Study

9:30 AM
10:15 AM

BMX Demystified: Everyday Uses for Analysis Features, Parameters, and Behavioral Modeling
Seth GaleWyrick and Andrew Weiman, Bresslergroup

If you've ever been intimidated by the power of behavioral modeling in Pro/ENGINEER, this session is for you. You'll see how simple it is to set up and use analysis features to perform calculations that you'd otherwise do by hand or in Excel. You'll also see several examples of everyday problems that not only can, but should, be done within the Pro/ENGINEER environment.

Experts: Case Study

9:30 AM
10:15 AM

Windows Vista Experience at Medtronics
Chris Figura, Medtronic, and Jeff Burton, New Boundary Technologies

If you're considering a move to Vista SP1 (32-bit), be sure to attend this session. The presentation covers every activity from initial application testing in a corporate Pro/ENGINEER environment to mass deployment techniques for a locked-down desktop environment. The key role of New Boundary Technologies' Prism Deploy and Asset Manager will also be discussed.

Hands-On Workshop

9:30 AM
10:15 AM

Pro/ENGINEER Hands-on Workshop
Tom McNaney, PTC

Try out the newest capabilities in Pro/ENGINEER! This workshop will let you experience the most exciting enhancements in the latest releases of Pro/ENGINEER, including Solid Modeling, Detailing, Weld and Plastic Parts Modeling, Electromechanical Design, Digital Human Modeling, Simulation, NC & Tooling and much more. All with the assistance of PTC's highly skilled application engineers and a self-driven tutorial.

Learning Center


Product Information Delivery: Overview and Demonstration
Cindy Elliott, PTC

Come explore the power of product information delivery and its influence on revenue and aftermarket operations within discrete manufacturing organizations. We will examine the business benefits of associating original product design data to technical documentation and illustrations throughout a product's lifecycle by using PTC's integrated product information delivery system. This session will provide an in-depth demonstration of the integrated, end-to-end Arbortext product information delivery software in conjunction with Pro/ENGINEER and Windchill.

Experts: Case Study

10:25 AM
11:10 AM

Look Ma, No Hard Drive! Maximizing Your Productivity with HP Blade Technology
Brian Walrath and Israel Pabon, Raytheon Missile Systems

Now more than ever, companies need to strike a balance between providing users access to the best hardware and keeping them mobile and productive. This case study describes how Raytheon has achieved this balance using the HP Blades family of workstations to virtualize the desktop and maximize the use of the company's Pro/ENGINEER environment.

Experts: Tutorial

10:25 AM
11:10 AM

Anatomical Modeling: Leveraging Medical Images for Use in Pro/ENGINEER
Richard Swenson, Medtronic

The resolution of medical images and the ability to differentiate anatomical structures have improved dramatically, but leveraging these images as 3D Pro/ENGINEER models is challenging. This presentation will show you how to import, manipulate, analyze, and modify medical image-based CAD models, and explain some of their prerequisites, limitations, and potential uses.

Experts: Tutorial

10:25 AM
11:10 AM

Create Pro/ENGINEER Training Videos for Your Website
David Haigh, Lawrence Livermore National Lab

You don't need to invest in expensive software and hardware to develop customized training videos for your company. In this session, you'll learn how to create, edit, and add a video to your website using only Camtasia, your laptop, and a microphone. Options for getting good audio will also be discussed.

Hands-On Workshop

10:25 AM
11:10 AM

Pro/ENGINEER Hands-on Workshop
Tom McNaney, PTC

Try out the newest capabilities in Pro/ENGINEER! This workshop will let you experience the most exciting enhancements in the latest releases of Pro/ENGINEER, including Solid Modeling, Detailing, Weld and Plastic Parts Modeling, Electromechanical Design, Digital Human Modeling, Simulation, NC & Tooling and much more. All with the assistance of PTC's highly skilled application engineers and a self-driven tutorial.

PTC University Precision Learning

10:25 AM
12:25 PM

Advanced Assembly Concepts with Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0
Seth Tucker, PTC

Come to this two-hour seminar to discover how you can quickly assemble components by creating and using saved and temporary Component Interfaces with the assembly dashboard tool. You will also learn about the various options for quickly replacing components with the new Replace Unrelated Component functionality and Interchange assemblies.

PTC University Precision Learning

10:25 AM
12:25 PM

Creating 3D Drawings Using Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0
Romeo Ridel, PTC

This two-hour seminar focuses on using annotation features to create 3D drawings in Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire. Among the topics covered are creating and editing different types of annotation features, including dimensions and notes. You'll also learn various techniques for managing annotations in Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire, including manipulation of annotation display and use of combined view states.

Experts: Case Study

11:20 AM
12:05 PM

Better Pro/TOOLKIT Projects with Microsoft Visual Studio
Mark Stallard, Raytheon

Learn how you can get some of Microsoft Visual Studio's rapid development power working on your next Pro/TOOLKIT project. If you're new to Pro/TOOLKIT, these techniques will help you create the assortment of mysterious files your project requires. If you're more experienced, you'll create new Pro/TOOLKIT projects faster to test new functionality and even report bugs.

Experts: Tips & Tricks

11:20 AM
12:05 PM

Minimized Top-Down Design for Handheld Devices
Kevin Chen, Motorola

This session introduces a strategy for simplifying the top-down design process with Pro/ENGINEER. Taking the example of the mechanical design of a hand-held device, the presentation will show you how to eliminate unnecessary steps, handle inevitable changes during the industrial design phase, manage the design database with overseas suppliers, and maintain design quality throughout.

Hands-On Workshop

11:20 AM
12:05 PM

Pro/ENGINEER Hands-on Workshop
Tom McNaney, PTC

Try out the newest capabilities in Pro/ENGINEER! This workshop will let you experience the most exciting enhancements in the latest releases of Pro/ENGINEER, including Solid Modeling, Detailing, Weld and Plastic Parts Modeling, Electromechanical Design, Digital Human Modeling, Simulation, NC & Tooling and much more. All with the assistance of PTC's highly skilled application engineers and a self-driven tutorial.

PTC University Precision Learning

1:00 PM
3:00 PM

Advanced Assembly Concepts with Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0
Seth Tucker, PTC

Come to this two-hour seminar to discover how you can quickly assemble components by creating and using saved and temporary Component Interfaces with the assembly dashboard tool. You will also learn about the various options for quickly replacing components with the new Replace Unrelated Component functionality and Interchange assemblies.

PTC University Precision Learning

1:00 PM
3:00 PM

Creating 3D Drawings Using Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0
Romeo Ridel, PTC

This two-hour seminar focuses on using annotation features to create 3D drawings in Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire. Among the topics covered are creating and editing different types of annotation features, including dimensions and notes. You'll also learn various techniques for managing annotations in Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire, including manipulation of annotation display and use of combined view states.

PTC University Precision Learning

1:00 PM
3:00 PM

Mechanism Design Using Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0
Ethan Bowerman, PTC

This two-hour seminar will teach you the basic process for designing mechanisms within Pro/ENGINEER. In addition, you'll learn the how-to's of assembling components using predefined mechanism connection sets, dragging a mechanism through its motion, and driving its motion using a servo motor. The session also covers evaluating the mechanism's motion and checking for collisions.

Experts: Case Study

1:15 PM
2:00 PM

Automated Creation of Complex Models with a Design Parameter User Interface
Jim Ridge, Eaton Corporation

This is your chance to pick up ideas for automating the design of commodity products through parameter collection and manipulation of standard models. Using the new Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0 Visual Basic interface, the presentation will cover all aspects of the methodology, from user input to parameter utilization, including a discussion of this method using a helical gear.

Experts: Case Study

1:15 PM
2:00 PM

Using EFX for High-end Building, Facade, and Roof Design
Stefan Bachschuster, B&W Software

What does it take to design 58 giant teardrop-shaped facades of different sizes? Be sure to attend this session to hear how Pro/ENGINEER with Expert Framework Extension (EFX) was able to automate this complex design for Dubai Airport with such features as a customizable library, parametric solid modeling, and large assembly handling with skeletons.

Experts: Tips & Tricks

1:15 PM
2:00 PM

Bummer! No More "Regenersurfing"
Joshua Houser, Pelco

PTC has done it again, scared away friends that greeted me nearly every morning as I enjoyed my coffee and surfed the latest YouTube movies. You know the friends I mean–"WARNING: Design intent is unclear," "Reference edge gone," "External ref for feature/component not found," among others. It's all that new Reference Viewer's fault. Stop by to see the culprit in action.

Hands-On Workshop

1:15 PM
2:00 PM

Pro/ENGINEER Hands-on Workshop
Tom McNaney, PTC

Try out the newest capabilities in Pro/ENGINEER! This workshop will let you experience the most exciting enhancements in the latest releases of Pro/ENGINEER, including Solid Modeling, Detailing, Weld and Plastic Parts Modeling, Electromechanical Design, Digital Human Modeling, Simulation, NC & Tooling and much more. All with the assistance of PTC's highly skilled application engineers and a self-driven tutorial.

Product Update Briefing

1:15 PM
2:00 PM

Pro/ENGINEER Manufacturing
Francois Lamy, PTC

Join this session to learn all about the latest enhancements in Pro/ENGINEER's family of production tools, including NC and Tool and Die Design. This update will include information on improvements to Pro/TOOLMAKER, NC Machining, Mold Design and Moldbase Design, as well as tools for progressive die design and CMM.

Ask the Experts Panel

2:15 PM
3:00 PM

Ask the Experts: Pro/ENGINEER
Michael Campbell and Team, PTC

Do you have questions about the best way to complete a specific task in Pro/ENGINEER? Or perhaps you are interested in PTC's hardware support strategy. Or how PTC chooses what will go into the next release. Here's your chance to ask the Pro/ENGINEER Product Management team.

Experts: Tips & Tricks

2:15 PM
3:00 PM

Take Time to Obey the Rules
Mark Ganzer, Lockheed Martin

Rules in Pro/ENGINEER are not used as often as they should be. Rules are in fact great tools for building intelligence into simplified representations and layers. This session will cover topics such as template models, filtering layers, extending layer rules, and rules in templates, and leave you with some easy-to-implement techniques.

Hands-On Workshop

2:15 PM
3:00 PM

Pro/ENGINEER Hands-on Workshop
Tom McNaney, PTC

Try out the newest capabilities in Pro/ENGINEER! This workshop will let you experience the most exciting enhancements in the latest releases of Pro/ENGINEER, including Solid Modeling, Detailing, Weld and Plastic Parts Modeling, Electromechanical Design, Digital Human Modeling, Simulation, NC & Tooling and much more. All with the assistance of PTC's highly skilled application engineers and a self-driven tutorial.




Windchill® Agenda

The Windchill agenda will offer concurrent presentation rooms and dedicated Precision Learning classrooms throughout the entire World Event.

The schedule is timed so that, in most cases, you can choose from any session in any product family. Each product family agenda is comprised of a comprehesive selection of expert presentations from our members, product update briefings and roadmaps, product development sessions, learning center sessions, panel discussions, and PTC University Precision Learning courses.

PTC University Precision Learning

10:00 AM
12:00 PM

Windchill PDMLink 9.0: Application Orientation
Dave Eberle, PTC

This two-hour seminar will introduce the concepts, terms, features, and capabilities of Windchill PDMLink 9.0. From this session you will pick up the basic skills required to access and view information, such as logging on, accessing help, and locating and viewing product information.

PTC University Precision Learning

10:00 AM
12:00 PM

Windchill PDMLink 9.0: Change Management
Scott Barkman, PTC

In this two-hour seminar, you will explore the out-of-the-box change management capabilities of Windchill PDMLink 9.0. The review will cover a fast-track change process, taking multiple roles while creating a change request, a change notice, and completing implementation tasks.

Hands-On Workshop

1:00 PM
2:45 PM

Installing Windchill for Pro/INTRALINK 3.x Administrators
Steve Dertien, PTC

Comfortable with Pro/INTRALINK 3.4, but worried about making the move to Windchill? Take a tour of the Windchill architecture and walk through the steps of a basic installation process. In this brief overview of Windchill system administration, you will learn about the extensive resources available, including PTC Global Services and detailed reference documentation. This session is intended for current Pro/INTRALINK 3.x administrators who are interested in gaining some more familiarity with the Windchill environment.

PTC University Precision Learning

1:00 PM
3:00 PM

Windchill PDMLink 9.0: Application Orientation
Dave Eberle, PTC

This two-hour seminar will introduce the concepts, terms, features, and capabilities of Windchill PDMLink 9.0. From this session you will pick up the basic skills required to access and view information, such as logging on, accessing help, and locating and viewing product information.

Hands-On Workshop

4:00 PM
5:45 PM

Installing Windchill for Pro/INTRALINK 3.x Administrators
Steve Dertien and Ram Krisnamurthy, PTC

Comfortable with Pro/INTRALINK 3.4, but worried about making the move to Windchill? Take a tour of the Windchill architecture and walk through the steps of a basic installation process. In this brief overview of Windchill system administration, you will learn about the extensive resources available, including PTC Global Services and detailed reference documentation. This session is intended for current Pro/INTRALINK 3.x administrators who are interested in gaining some more familiarity with the Windchill environment.

PTC University Precision Learning

4:00 PM
6:00 PM

Windchill PDMLink 9.0: Application Orientation
Dave Eberle, PTC

This two-hour seminar will introduce the concepts, terms, features, and capabilities of Windchill PDMLink 9.0. From this session you will pick up the basic skills required to access and view information, such as logging on, accessing help, and locating and viewing product information.

PTC University Precision Learning

4:00 PM
6:00 PM

Windchill PDMLink 9.0: Change Management
Scott Barkman, PTC

In this two-hour seminar, you will explore the out-of-the-box change management capabilities of Windchill PDMLink 9.0. The review will cover a fast-track change process, taking multiple roles while creating a change request, a change notice, and completing implementation tasks.

Experts: Case Study

10:15 AM
11:00 AM

PDMLink + Arbortext + ProjectLink–Greater Than the Sum of the Parts
Ron Welch, BAE Systems

This case study chronicles the integration of Arbortext with PDMLink and ProjectLink at BAE Systems. The presentation focuses on the technical aspects of integrating complex authoring tools into a global product development system, including the design decisions made, the reasons behind them, and their ramifications. The discussion also covers new capabilities resulting from the integration, as well as lessons learned.

Hands-On Workshop

10:15 AM
12:00 PM

Installing Windchill for Pro/INTRALINK 3.x Administrators
Steve Dertien and Ram Krisnamurthy, PTC

Comfortable with Pro/INTRALINK 3.4, but worried about making the move to Windchill? Take a tour of the Windchill architecture and walk through the steps of a basic installation process. In this brief overview of Windchill system administration, you will learn about the extensive resources available, including PTC Global Services and detailed reference documentation. This session is intended for current Pro/INTRALINK 3.x administrators who are interested in gaining some more familiarity with the Windchill environment.

Learning Center

10:15 AM
11:00 AM

Global Services for Windchill Migrations
Bob Rouleau, PTC

Considering moving from Pro/INTRALINK 3.x but not sure what to do next? Looking to get to Windchill 9.1? Presented by PTC Global Services, this session will offer advice about the best way to proceed. You'll learn what to consider when planning a move, you'll get an overview of PTC tools, and you'll hear how PTC can support you so you gain maximum value from your new Windchill solution.

Product Update Briefing

10:15 AM
11:00 AM

Windchill Infrastructure and System Administration
Bill Neuman, PTC

Come hear more about the product roadmap for Windchill infrastructure, integration, and system administration. This will include an overview of enhancements delivered over the past year as well as those planned for coming releases.

PTC University Precision Learning

10:15 AM
12:15 PM

Windchill PDMLink 9.0: Application Orientation
Dave Eberle, PTC

This two-hour seminar will introduce the concepts, terms, features, and capabilities of Windchill PDMLink 9.0. From this session you will pick up the basic skills required to access and view information, such as logging on, accessing help, and locating and viewing product information.

PTC University Precision Learning

10:15 AM
12:15 PM

Windchill PDMLink 9.0: Change Management
Scott Barkman, PTC

In this two-hour seminar, you will explore the out-of-the-box change management capabilities of Windchill PDMLink 9.0. The review will cover a fast-track change process, taking multiple roles while creating a change request, a change notice, and completing implementation tasks.

Experts: Case Study

11:15 AM
12:00 PM

Optimizing PTC Application Performance with Cisco ANS Solutions
Fernando Macias and Dan Knight, Cisco Systems, Inc.

This session will demonstrate how Cisco's Application Networking Services technology can significantly improve performance of Windchill and Pro/ENGINEER data transfers over a wide area network. With these solutions, global manufacturers gain the benefits of centralized application performance, including lower deployment and operational costs. Detailed test results and device configurations will be presented.

Partner Presentation

11:15 AM
12:00 PM

Streamlining Product Development: Reducing Cost While Improving Collaboration
Scott Carmichael, NxRev

This case study will explore how small and mid-sized companies like Acorn Product Development can utilize IT consolidation strategies to reduce cost and IT complexity while building a framework for improved engineering productivity and collaborative product innovation. The need to differentiate and improve competitiveness is more important than ever during an economic downturn. Learn how Acorn has sharpened their competitive edge and manages projects among geographically dispersed teams of engineers in Silicon Valley, Boston, and China while tackling challenges such as tighter time frames, cost, regulatory and quality requirements.

Product Roadmap

11:15 AM
12:00 PM

Windchill Roadmap
Will Kohler, PTC

Attend this presentation for a top-level recap of recently added Windchill enhancements, as well as an overview of upcoming functional and usability improvements planned for the Windchill 9.1 release stream and beyond.

Experts: Case Study

1:30 PM
2:15 PM

Expect the Unexpected: Diary of a Pro/INTRALINK-to-PDMLink Migration
Michael Stertz, Siemens Transportation Systems Austria

Moving from Pro/INTRALINK to PDMLink is a highly complex project. This presentation will help you understand the problems, risks, and benefits based on lessons learned from a recent migration. The discussion will cover the entire process from start to finish, but focus primarily on installation and system management.

Hands-On Workshop

1:30 PM
2:15 PM

Windchill System Monitoring Featuring JMX
Vishal Arora, PTC

Simplify your life by learning about the system monitoring framework of Windchill. In this hands-on session, you'll learn how to configure a JMX monitoring client, set up thresholds for important system parameters, and define actions for the system to take when the thresholds are exceeded. This session is intended for current Windchill administrators who are interested in gaining some more familiarity with JMX and Log4J monitoring capabilities.

Learning Center

1:30 PM
2:15 PM

Requirements Management in Windchill
Mark Field, PTC

Learn about an exciting new set of capabilities in Windchill 9.1 for managing requirements. By establishing an integral relationship between customer needs, market requirements and the underlying technical requirements, Windchill can help ensure that customer and market requirements have been satisfied and properly verified.

Partner Presentation

1:30 PM
2:15 PM

Speed to PLM Success with NetIDEAS Windchill Hosting and Proven Use Case Approach
Joseph Iannacone, NetIDEAS

Two key components of any PLM initiative are the infrastructure design and the Business Process implementations. NetIDEAS’ DIACAP accredited infrastructure is ready for secure production deployments in days. However, this is only the first step towards a successful PLM deployment. Windchill, and PLM in general, offers a wide range of capabilities for many business goals. Where to start, what next, and how to get there are critical questions. NetIDEAS utilizes a proven Use Case approach which allows customers to balance their immediate needs and long term strategic business goals by leveraging the compartmentalized and robust functionality of Windchill. With hundreds of successfully deployed use cases, NetIDEAS will present the “Think Big. Start Small, Scale Instantly” approach and discuss examples from across our customer base.

Product Update Briefing

1:30 PM
2:15 PM

Managing Product Complexity with Windchill PDMLink
James Gehan, PTC

Managing product complexity and variation is a particularly challenging problem for many industries, especially for industrial equipment and high tech manufacturers following an assemble-to-order business model. Learn about near-term Windchill capabilities for defining and managing product options in large products, mapping these options with Pro/ENGINEER CAD models, analyzing these structures, and utilizing ProductView to digitally mockup sets of options in 3D to speed evaluation of development changes.

PTC University Precision Learning

1:30 PM
3:30 PM

Windchill PDMLink 9.0: Application Orientation
Dave Eberle, PTC

This two-hour seminar will introduce the concepts, terms, features, and capabilities of Windchill PDMLink 9.0. From this session you will pick up the basic skills required to access and view information, such as logging on, accessing help, and locating and viewing product information.

Experts: Case Study

2:25 PM
3:10 PM

Go "Inside Intel": Worldwide Deployment of PTC Products
Matt Moore and Wayne Stevens, Intel Corporation

Come to this presentation to hear how a small team at Intel has been able to standardize the way mechanical software applications are evaluated, deployed and supported in more than 17 global sites. You'll also learn how the team managed the transition from Pro/INTRALINK 3.4 to PDMLink 9.0 with a minimal budget and with minimal impact on users.

Learning Center


Introduction to Windchill MPMLink
Albert Siciliano, PTC

Creating and maintaining mBOMs, process plans and work instructions that accurately reflect the ever-changing product design has typically been a cumbersome process for the manufacturing engineers. In this session you will learn how PTC’s Windchill MPMLink solution streamlines this process with an integral solution where product, process, and resource data are all managed in a single system, without the need for data duplication and hence enabling concurrent and collaborative development of product designs and manufacturing processes.

Product Update Briefing

2:25 PM
3:10 PM

Windchill MultiCAD Data Management
Mark Lobo, PTC

Are you wondering where PTC's CAD Data Management Product Roadmap is headed? This session will provide insight into new Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire and Heterogeneous MCAD/ECAD data management capabilities planned for future Windchill releases.

Special Topic

2:25 PM
3:10 PM

Improve Process Efficiency with Windchill Business Reporting
Vishal Arora, PTC

Join this session to learn about Windchill Business Reporting and the value it provides in understanding Key Performance Indicators. Windchill Business Reporting is critical to understanding your PLM business processes and offers an executive-friendly view of information. This session will cover techniques for extracting data out of Windchill and provide tips and tricks for authoring rich graphical reports in Windchill for use by themselves or as part of executive dashboards.

Partner Presentation

3:30 PM
4:00 PM

Driving Organizational Change and Windchill Acceptance Through a Run Team
Neeraj Singh, ITC Infotech

A run team is a scalable, structured multifunctional ITIL-based support organization that has three tiers: one to educate and support the user community in their ability to adopt the application; another to provide the required administrative support to stabilize the application; and a third to tune the existing business processes. The goal is to manage the organizational change fallout from the introduction of a new application and in particular, the core process enablers.

PTC University Precision Learning

4:00 PM
6:00 PM

Windchill PDMLink 9.0: Application Orientation
Dave Eberle, PTC

This two-hour seminar will introduce the concepts, terms, features, and capabilities of Windchill PDMLink 9.0. From this session you will pick up the basic skills required to access and view information, such as logging on, accessing help, and locating and viewing product information.

PTC University Precision Learning

4:00 PM
6:00 PM

Windchill PDMLink 9.0: Change Management
Scott Barkman, PTC

In this two-hour seminar, you will explore the out-of-the-box change management capabilities of Windchill PDMLink 9.0. The review will cover a fast-track change process, taking multiple roles while creating a change request, a change notice, and completing implementation tasks.

Experts: Case Study

4:20 PM
5:05 PM

Pro/ENGINEER-based Windchill 9.0 Systems–Brought to You Live
Mike Lockwood, Alcon

Linking directly to Alcon's systems, this live demonstration will address a variety of production, validation, and training issues related to Windchill 9.0. The commentary will cover topics ranging from use of contexts with varying LCs and business processes, to optimization of Pro/ENGINEER configurations, to customization of help and user resources, and beyond.

Hands-On Workshop

4:20 PM
6:00 PM

Installing Windchill for Pro/INTRALINK 3.x Administrators
Steve Dertien and Ram Krisnamurthy, PTC

Comfortable with Pro/INTRALINK 3.4, but worried about making the move to Windchill? Take a tour of the Windchill architecture and walk through the steps of a basic installation process. In this brief overview of Windchill system administration, you will learn about the extensive resources available, including PTC Global Services and detailed reference documentation. This session is intended for current Pro/INTRALINK 3.x administrators who are interested in gaining some more familiarity with the Windchill environment.

Learning Center


PTC’s SharePoint Solutions
Lee Garf, PTC

Learn how PTC is embracing Microsoft's SharePoint technology and extending its applicability to the world of product development. Topics covered will be Windchill ProductPoint, a PTC-developed native SharePoint-based solution for structured information vaulting and sharing, as well as Windchill Web Parts for SharePoint.

Product Update Briefing

4:20 PM
5:05 PM

Requirements Management
Mark Field, PTC

Later this year PTC plans to release Requirements Management capabilities as an add-on module to Windchill. This session will introduce these new capabilities while explaining how to use them in the context of Requirements Management best practices, such as flowing requirements down and linking them to product designs, tracing relationships to requirements during change impact assessments, and leveraging these capabilities to support good requirements validation practices.

Special Topic

4:20 PM
5:05 PM

From Art to Part with the PTC Product Development System
Dennis Sauro, Kensey Nash Corporation

Kensey Nash has grown into an $80 million pacesetter in the medical devices industry. Learn how the right vision and the right product development tools have contributed to the meteoric rise at Kensey Nash.

Special Topic

4:20 PM
5:05 PM

Understanding PDS Security
Mike Kasameyer, PTC

You've invested a lot in developing your intellectual property, but you don't need to invest a lot to protect it. In this session, you will learn about the tools and techniques available to secure your product development system.

Experts: Case Study

5:15 PM
6:00 PM

Lessons Learned: Migrating the ITT Global Vault from Windchill 8.0 to 9.0
Ron Watson, ITT

The ITT Global Vault team will provide details on its evaluation of the business value, planning, implementation, and post-launch of moving from Windchill PDMLink/ProjectLink 8.0 M040 to Windchill PDMLink / ProjectLink / MPMLink 9.0 M050. This presentation will include a comprehensive review of lessons learned as well as best practices for completing a successful migration.

Learning Center


Windchill Pro/ENGINEER Data Management Performance Validation and Improvement
Ram Krishnamurthy, PTC

Join this session to learn about the processes for validating and improving Windchill Pro/ENGINEER data management performance. Ensuring acceptable system response times for end users is critical to realizing the value of your Windchill system as well as to user acceptance and adoption of Windchill. This session will discuss proven approaches for measuring single user performance with the PTC Windchill Pro/ENGINEER data management benchmark and the first steps to take to improve system performance.

Product Update Briefing

5:15 PM
6:00 PM

Windchill ProductPoint
Lee Garf, PTC

PTC's new SharePoint based solution supporting social product development. Learn about the current and planned capabilities that help product development teams work together, including multiCAD data management, ProductView services, and Web 2.0 features. The solution is appropriate for both small companies and teams within larger enterprises.

Experts: Product Marketing

9:45 AM
10:30 AM

Turbocharge Your Design Simulation Process with Windchill and SimManager
Dave Nacy, MSC.Software

Any global company that uses finite element analysis, multi-body kinematics, or other simulation techniques is familiar with the difficulties of constructing a model across geography and time zones. This presentation explains how integrating Windchill with SimManager meets the challenges of managing simulation data and processes by providing a central place for design teams to access, share, and complete their work.

Hands-On Workshop

9:45 AM
11:30 AM

Installing Windchill for Pro/INTRALINK 3.x Administrators
Steve Dertien and Ram Krisnamurthy, PTC

Comfortable with Pro/INTRALINK 3.4, but worried about making the move to Windchill? Take a tour of the Windchill architecture and walk through the steps of a basic installation process. In this brief overview of Windchill system administration, you will learn about the extensive resources available, including PTC Global Services and detailed reference documentation. This session is intended for current Pro/INTRALINK 3.x administrators who are interested in gaining some more familiarity with the Windchill environment.

Learning Center

9:45 AM
10:30 AM

Requirements Management in Windchill
Mark Field, PTC

Learn about an exciting new set of capabilities in Windchill 9.1 for managing requirements. By establishing an integral relationship between customer needs, market requirements and the underlying technical requirements, Windchill can help ensure that customer and market requirements have been satisfied and properly verified.

Product Update Briefing

9:45 AM
10:30 AM

Windchill MPMLink
Albert Siciliano, PTC

Join this session to learn about the latest enhancements to Windchill MPMLink and obtain details on the improvements planned for the future. The session will also provide an overview of PTC’s Windchill MPMLink solution which streamlines the creation and management of mBOMs, process plans and work instructions and enables the concurrent and collaborative development of product designs and manufacturing processes.

PTC University Precision Learning

9:45 AM
11:45 AM

Windchill PDMLink 9.0: Application Orientation
Dave Eberle, PTC

This two-hour seminar will introduce the concepts, terms, features, and capabilities of Windchill PDMLink 9.0. From this session you will pick up the basic skills required to access and view information, such as logging on, accessing help, and locating and viewing product information.

PTC University Precision Learning

9:45 AM
11:45 AM

Windchill PDMLink 9.0: Change Management
Scott Barkman, PTC

In this two-hour seminar, you will explore the out-of-the-box change management capabilities of Windchill PDMLink 9.0. The review will cover a fast-track change process, taking multiple roles while creating a change request, a change notice, and completing implementation tasks.

Experts: Case Study

10:45 AM
11:30 AM

Feeding the Beast with Release-to-Production
Lewis Lawrence, Weatherford UK

Does your business need to more effectively manage how information is released from engineering? Learn firsthand how to save time and money by using a controlled release-to-production process. Take away valuable advice for effectively managing information flow in your business, taming the beast.

Product Roadmap

10:45 AM
11:15 AM

Windchill Roadmap
Will Kohler, PTC

Attend this presentation for a top-level recap of recently added Windchill enhancements, as well as an overview of upcoming functional and usability improvements planned for the Windchill 9.1 release stream and beyond.

PTC University Precision Learning

12:45 PM
2:45 PM

Windchill PDMLink 9.0: Application Orientation
Dave Eberle, PTC

This two-hour seminar will introduce the concepts, terms, features, and capabilities of Windchill PDMLink 9.0. From this session you will pick up the basic skills required to access and view information, such as logging on, accessing help, and locating and viewing product information.

PTC University Precision Learning

12:45 PM
2:45 PM

Windchill PDMLink 9.0: Change Management
Scott Barkman, PTC

In this two-hour seminar, you will explore the out-of-the-box change management capabilities of Windchill PDMLink 9.0. The review will cover a fast-track change process, taking multiple roles while creating a change request, a change notice, and completing implementation tasks.

Experts: Case Study

12:50 PM
1:35 PM

eWR: Transitioning from Possibly Paperless to Truly Paperless
Matt Yacono, Alcon Laboratories

The Electronic Work Request (eWR) project transitioned an engineering business process to be fully electronic. Before the eWR project, the same business process had been made potentially paperless by converting its paper-form to a Word document. This presentation will cover why converting the paper form was not enough and the five phase development of the Windchill based solution that allowed us to become truly paperless.

Experts: Tips & Tricks

12:50 PM
1:35 PM

Configuring and Customizing Windchill for the Data Consumer
David Mertz, Lockheed Martin

If your users want a simpler way to work with Windchill data, this session is for you. The presentation will describe the capabilities and quirks of several tools that will help you improve the end-user experience, such as adding attributes to the results page of the standard search page and using Report Manager to return custom reports with live URL-linked data.

Hands-On Workshop

12:50 PM
1:35 PM

Windchill System Monitoring Featuring JMX
Vishal Arora, PTC

Simplify your life by learning about the system monitoring framework of Windchill. In this hands-on session, you'll learn how to configure a JMX monitoring client, set up thresholds for important system parameters, and define actions for the system to take when the thresholds are exceeded. This session is intended for current Windchill administrators who are interested in gaining some more familiarity with JMX and Log4J monitoring capabilities.

Learning Center

12:50 pm
1:35 pm

Windchill Pro/ENGINEER Data Management Performance Validation and Improvement
Ram Krishnamurthy, PTC

Join this session to learn about the processes for validating and improving Windchill Pro/ENGINEER data management performance. Ensuring acceptable system response times for end users is critical to realizing the value of your Windchill system as well as to user acceptance and adoption of Windchill. This session will discuss proven approaches for measuring single user performance with the PTC Windchill Pro/ENGINEER data management benchmark and the first steps to take to improve system performance.

Experts: Tips & Tricks

1:45 PM
2:30 PM

Automated Testing of Windchill PDMLink with Selenium and JMeter
Bang Pham, Andre Quillen and Thien H. Nguyen, Raytheon

If you want to perform more testing of web-based applications for less cost, you can learn how by attending this session. You will see how Raytheon has used the Selenium IDE and Selenium Remote Control systems to automate the testing of Windchill PDMLink reports and achieve significant savings over manual testing.

Experts: Tutorial

1:45 PM
2:30 PM

Configuration Management in Windchill
Eugene Kilmer, Los Alamos National Laboratory

Windchill offers a range of effective configuration management tools. In fact, they are comparable to and provide the means for following the CMII concepts developed by Vincent Guess. This presentation explains how any organization can use these tools to control not only what it produces, but also how it manages changes to those products.

Hands-On Workshop

1:45 PM
2:30 PM

Windchill System Monitoring Featuring JMX
Vishal Arora, PTC

Simplify your life by learning about the system monitoring framework of Windchill. In this hands-on session, you'll learn how to configure a JMX monitoring client, set up thresholds for important system parameters, and define actions for the system to take when the thresholds are exceeded. This session is intended for current Windchill administrators who are interested in gaining some more familiarity with JMX and Log4J monitoring capabilities.

Learning Center


PTC’s SharePoint Solutions
Lee Garf, PTC

Learn how PTC is embracing Microsoft's SharePoint technology and extending its applicability to the world of product development. Topics covered will be Windchill ProductPoint, a PTC-developed native SharePoint-based solution for structured information vaulting and sharing, as well as Windchill Web Parts for SharePoint.

Partner Presentation

3:00 PM
3:30 PM

How BAE Systems Integrates PTC and Adobe Solutions for a 3D Environment with Digital Rights Management

Transitioning to a 3D model-based environment necessitates ensuring product data integrity while controlling access and usage rights, especially when collaborating externally. Work is underway at BAE Systems to integrate Adobe Acrobat and Adobe LiveCycle Enterprise Suite with PTC’s Pro/ENGINEER and Windchill, enabling rich, reliable collaboration without sacrificing security and control.

PTC University Precision Learning

3:30 PM
5:30 PM

Windchill PDMLink 9.0: Application Orientation
Dave Eberle, PTC

This two-hour seminar will introduce the concepts, terms, features, and capabilities of Windchill PDMLink 9.0. From this session you will pick up the basic skills required to access and view information, such as logging on, accessing help, and locating and viewing product information.

Experts: Tips & Tricks

3:50 PM
4:35 PM

Automating Workflow Processing for Migration and Testing
Jarrett Roberts and Wesley Cooney, Raytheon

Manual evaluation of workflows can be error-prone and expensive. This presentation describes the tools and techniques Raytheon has developed to automate the processing and validation of workflows. Attend this session to learn how you can apply these same techniques to perform migration of in-process objects and improve workflow testing.

Experts: Tutorial

3:50 PM
4:35 PM

Customization of Engineering Change Management in Windchill PDMLink 9.0
Benjamin Grover, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

Are you looking for ways to "customize" your system without the headaches that come with true customization? This session presents a prototype tool that uses soft typing, info*engine queries, jsp, and PERL to enable administrators with limited technical know-how to create, manage, and produce engineering change reports.

Hands-On Workshop

3:50 PM
5:30 PM

Installing Windchill for Pro/INTRALINK 3.x Administrators
Steve Dertien and Ram Krisnamurthy, PTC

Comfortable with Pro/INTRALINK 3.4, but worried about making the move to Windchill? Take a tour of the Windchill architecture and walk through the steps of a basic installation process. In this brief overview of Windchill system administration, you will learn about the extensive resources available, including PTC Global Services and detailed reference documentation. This session is intended for current Pro/INTRALINK 3.x administrators who are interested in gaining some more familiarity with the Windchill environment.

Product Update Briefing

3:50 pm
4:35 pm

Introduction to Windchill MPMLink
Albert Siciliano, PTC

Creating and maintaining mBOMs, process plans and work instructions that accurately reflect the ever-changing product design has typically been a cumbersome process for the manufacturing engineers. In this session you will learn how PTC’s Windchill MPMLink solution streamlines this process with an integral solution where product, process, and resource data are all managed in a single system, without the need for data duplication and hence enabling concurrent and collaborative development of product designs and manufacturing processes.

Special Topic

3:50 pm
4:35 pm

Social Product Development
Tom Shoemaker, PTC

Change is brewing in product development. Shifting workforce demographics, increased connectivity demands of a global team, and major advances of Web 2.0 technologies are converging to create an unparalleled environment of both risk and opportunity. This session will seek to look forward at possible ways that social computing technologies might impact the way product development is conducted.

Special Topic

3:50 PM
4:35 PM

Windchill Architecture and Hardware Deployment Resources
Victor Gerdes, PTC

PTC has enhanced its ability to validate and document various hardware architectures used in enterprise deployments with a new center of excellence - the Enterprise Deployment Center. Here, PTC works with its partners to provide best practices and recommendations on how customers, partners, and PTC implementers can best plan, architect, deploy, configure, and administer Windchill and Pro/INTRALINK systems.

Experts: Case Study

4:45 PM
5:30 PM

Enabling Collaborative Engineering Across Multiple Distributed Sites
Michael Mongilio, ATK

With the continuing advances in information technology, more and more companies are realizing that product design teams can be formed by selecting expert team members from different geographic locations. In this presentation, learn about the collaborative framework that was established to help NASA bring together a team to develop an innovative design for a future manned spacecraft.

Learning Center


Global Windchill Deployments
Victor Gerdes, PTC

Join this session to learn about the options and trade-offs for a global Windchill deployment capable of meeting the wide area network (WAN) performance & scalability requirements of your company. This sessions will cover the impact of network bandwidth and latency on Windchill end-user performance, options for mitigating network limitations including the role and benefit of wide area network application services, WAN and Windchill remote file servers and Windchill replication.

Product Update Briefing

4:45 PM
5:30 PM

Windchill ProjectLink
Mark Field, PTC

Join this session to learn all about the latest enhancements in Windchill ProjectLink.

Experts: Case Study

9:30 AM
10:15 AM

A No-Frills Approach to Migrating from Pro/INTRALINK 3.4 to Windchill 8.0
Steven LaPha, United Space Alliance, LLC

If models are as critical to your business as they are in the aerospace industry, failure is not an option when it comes to migration. This presentation takes a detailed look at the successful approach that United Space Alliance took to performing a simple, small-scale migration from Pro/INTRALINK 3.4 to Windchill 8.0 under a tight schedule.

Experts: Case Study

9:30 AM
10:15 AM

Monitoring Windchill Systems with Scripting
Mohammed Rahman and Eric Winrow, Boston Scientific

This presentation will introduce an easier way to manage a Windchill production environment that doesn't require 24/7 support personnel. The discussion will identify the most common Windchill system failures, which parameters to tune to avoid those failures, and how to automate proactive monitoring using UNIX BASH, WGET and EXPACT scripting language.

Learning Center


Global Services for Windchill Migrations
Bob Rouleau, PTC

Considering moving from Pro/INTRALINK 3.x but not sure what to do next? Looking to get to Windchill 9.1? Presented by PTC Global Services, this session will offer advice about the best way to proceed. You'll learn what to consider when planning a move, you'll get an overview of PTC tools, and you'll hear how PTC can support you so you gain maximum value from your new Windchill solution.

Experts: Case Study

10:25 AM
11:10 AM

General Performance Tuning for Windchill PDMLink 9 in CAD-centric Environment
Preeti Gupta, Alcon Labs

Intended for Pro/ENGINEER and Windchill PDMLink administrators, this presentation will detail the methodology used to tune a Windchill system migrated from Pro/INTRALINK. The discussion will provide a wealth of how-to's, best practices, lessons learned, and other information to help you plan and execute performance tuning in a Windows-based environment.

Hands-On Workshop

10:25 AM
12:05 PM

Installing Windchill for Pro/INTRALINK 3.x Administrators
Steve Dertien and Ram Krisnamurthy, PTC

Comfortable with Pro/INTRALINK 3.4, but worried about making the move to Windchill? Take a tour of the Windchill architecture and walk through the steps of a basic installation process. In this brief overview of Windchill system administration, you will learn about the extensive resources available, including PTC Global Services and detailed reference documentation. This session is intended for current Pro/INTRALINK 3.x administrators who are interested in gaining some more familiarity with the Windchill environment.

Learning Center


Social Product Development
Tom Shoemaker, PTC

Change is brewing in product development. Shifting workforce demographics, increased connectivity demands of a global team, and major advances of Web 2.0 technologies are converging to create an unparalleled environment of both risk and opportunity. This session will seek to look forward at possible ways that social computing technologies might impact the way product development is conducted.

PTC University Precision Learning

10:25 AM
12:25 PM

Windchill PDMLink 9.0: Application Orientation
Dave Eberle, PTC

This two-hour seminar will introduce the concepts, terms, features, and capabilities of Windchill PDMLink 9.0. From this session you will pick up the basic skills required to access and view information, such as logging on, accessing help, and locating and viewing product information.

PTC University Precision Learning

10:25 AM
12:25 PM

Windchill PDMLink 9.0: Change Management
Scott Barkman, PTC

In this two-hour seminar, you will explore the out-of-the-box change management capabilities of Windchill PDMLink 9.0. The review will cover a fast-track change process, taking multiple roles while creating a change request, a change notice, and completing implementation tasks.

Experts: Case Study

11:20 am
12:05 pm

Building an Automated ProductView Publishing System Using the Windchill PLM Connector
Mike Crecelius, BAE Systems

The Windchill PLM Connector is a new software tool released by PTC in November 2007. It is a command line tool that exports a data package from a source PDM system, and then imports the data package into a target PDM system. This presentation demonstrates how to use the PLM Connector in cooperation with the command line ProductView batch publisher to automate the creation of nightly ProductView data sets for engineering design review.

Experts: Case Study

11:20 am
12:05 pm

Not Your Daddy's Virtualization: Innovating High End Computing at All Levels Using RGS
Israel Pabon and Brian Walrath, Raytheon

Technological challenges require engineers to work remotely with extremely large designs to rapidly implement field-driven changes in the design. Achieving this goal requires a new engineering process that maintains the highest level of security and protection of company's intellectual property. This isn't a vision of the future, but reality thanks to HP's RGS software. We will examine a successful case study at Raytheon.

Experts: Product Marketing

11:20 am
12:05 pm

Windchill Monitoring
Rudolf Oertel and Martin Kraegeloh, SULIS GmbH

Automating Windchill monitoring not only makes the administrator's job easier but also improves monitoring quality. This presentation will show you how to implement a cost-effective system for Windchill environments using the open-source software Nagios. Among the many benefits of this easy-to-implement system are early problem recognition, shortened response times, and storage of measured data to allow trend analysis.

Learning Center


Global Windchill Deployments
Victor Gerdes, PTC

Join this session to learn about the options and trade-offs for a global Windchill deployment capable of meeting the wide area network (WAN) performance & scalability requirements of your company. This sessions will cover the impact of network bandwidth and latency on Windchill end-user performance, options for mitigating network limitations including the role and benefit of wide area network application services and WAN and Windchill Remote File Servers and Windchill Replication.

PTC University Precision Learning

1:00 PM
3:00 PM

Windchill PDMLink 9.0: Application Orientation
Dave Eberle, PTC

This two-hour seminar will introduce the concepts, terms, features, and capabilities of Windchill PDMLink 9.0. From this session you will pick up the basic skills required to access and view information, such as logging on, accessing help, and locating and viewing product information.

Ask the Experts Panel

1:15 PM
2:00 PM

Ask the Experts: Windchill and ProductView
Will Kohler, Michael Rygol and Team, PTC

Do you have questions about specific Windchill or ProductView capabilities but do not know who to ask? If so, perhaps this session is for you. During this session, you will have the opportunity to discuss what's on your mind with a panel of Windchill and ProductView experts.

Experts: Case Study

2:15 PM
3:00 PM

Build and Issue Management Using JIRA
Joe Priest, Synthes, USA

This session will review how Synthes used JIRA to manage bugs, issues, and builds during its Windchill implementation. Among the topics covered are an overview of JIRA, bug tracking, issue tracking, work packages, versions, and builds.

Hands-On Workshop

2:15 PM
3:00 PM

Windchill System Monitoring Featuring JMX
Vishal Arora, PTC

Simplify your life by learning about the system monitoring framework of Windchill. In this hands-on session, you'll learn how to configure a JMX monitoring client, set up thresholds for important system parameters, and define actions for the system to take when the thresholds are exceeded. This session is intended for current Windchill administrators who are interested in gaining some more familiarity with JMX and Log4J monitoring capabilities.


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