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Mathcad eller Excel? Se info längre ner

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The Global Standard for Engineering Calculations

Today's top engineers use Mathcad to perform, document and share calculation and design work. The unique Mathcad visual format and scratchpad interface integrate live, standard mathematical notation, text and graphs in a single worksheet - making Mathcad ideal for knowledge capture, calculation reuse, and engineering collaboration.

Mathcad is engineering calculation software that drives innovation and offers significant personal and process productivity advantages for product development and engineering design projects. Unlike proprietary calculating tools and spreadsheets, Mathcad lets engineers design and document engineering calculations simultaneously with comprehensive applied math functionality and dynamic, unit-aware calculations.

Features & Benefits
  • Easy to learn and use - no special programming skills required
  • Increases productivity, saving engineers time and reducing errors
  • Improves verification and validation of critical calculations
  • Captures intellectual property and promotes calculation best practices and reuse of calculation content
  • Enables secure, robust management of calculations when used with Windchill
  • Complete documentation of calculations supports standards compliance


Presentation Replays

Mathcad or Excel? An Engineer's Dilemma - A Manager's Choice

This recording starts with a brief presentation highlighting the advantages of Mathcad over Excel for 
creating error-free engineering calculations. It is followed by a demo of Mathcad introducing you to 
the unique capabilities of the software.

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Mathcad Worksheet
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          Pro/ENGINEER - Concurrent Engineering Webcast


The Global Standard for Engineering Calculations

Today's top engineers use Mathcad to perform, document and share calculation and design work. The unique Mathcad visual format and scratchpad interface integrate live, standard mathematical notation, text and graphs in a single worksheet - making Mathcad ideal for knowledge capture, calculation reuse, and engineering collaboration.

Mathcad is engineering calculation software that drives innovation and offers significant personal and process productivity advantages for product development and engineering design projects. Unlike proprietary calculating tools and spreadsheets, Mathcad lets engineers design and document engineering calculations simultaneously with comprehensive applied math functionality and dynamic, unit-aware calculations.

Features & Benefits

  • Easy to learn and use - no special programming skills required
  • Increases productivity, saving engineers time and reducing errors
  • Improves verification and validation of critical calculations
  • Captures intellectual property and promotes calculation best practices and reuse of calculation content
  • Enables secure, robust management of calculations when used with Windchill
  • Complete documentation of calculations supports standards compliance

What's New in Mathcad 14.0

Related Resources


How Can We Help You?

Pro/ENGINEER - Concurrent Engineering Webcast


















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